Chapter 15

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Wheeljack helped Ratchet with the Energon cubes. One for each team. „Thank you, Wheeljack." Ratchet said. Wheeljack smiled. „No prob, Doc," he replied. Ratchet growled. „Stop calling me that." „Whatever you say, Sunshine," Wheeljack said teasingly. Ratchet growled. „oh, come on, Sunshine. We're the same generation!" Wheeljack said. „Maybe the generation but not nature, Wheeljack." was all the old medic said before he fell silent. Wheeljack grunted, he hoped he will make Ratchet at least smile or make him not growl at him but obviously, failed.

They returned back to the others without any other word. Wheeljack gave Ratchet all the cubes he had on the table so he could change them into their liquid form. Ratchet growled at the old and damaged machine. It hadn't worked properly but it worked. He had to get along with that.

When he finally prepared the Energon and prepared the dose for everyone. Some of them hated fulfilling themselves with Energon with the needle but it was the only way they could get it inside of their systems here on Earth. Fortunately for them, it was quick process. „It's good to feel stronger." Bulkhead vented feeling much stronger. „Indeed." Arcee agreed.

A little later everyone, except Ratchet and Optimus, went outside to have a little fun. Arcee and Bumblebee decided to go racing and the Wreckers decided to join. The kids started the race when they waved their arms at the same time. Three circles around the base in the woods were nothing hard but not even easy for five Autobots. Arcee almost fell over when she hit a root.

The race ended with Bumblebee first with Wheeljack just a nano sec behind him. „Nice ride, kid," Wheeljack said as he patted scout's helm playfully. Bumblebee chuckled and showed him off smiling. „Si, you should find a faster car mode," Bulkhead said as he and Silence arrived at the same time. „This one is fine enough for me." was all Silence said. Bulkhead sighed in defeat. „I didn't say you must change it, calm it buddy," he replied. Wheeljack, Bumblebee and Arcee changed concerned looks. „Come on guys! We have to find something to do around here." Wheeljack said to ease the atmosphere.

„I would prefer killing that Decepticon." Silence growled with venom in his voice and that scared his friends. „We will find him, Silence," Arcee said. Silence frowned deeply and looked at the femme. „By standing here we wouldn't find even a Scraplet." he spat and left. Wheeljack sighed forcefully. „I hope we will end this madness soon, I don't want to see how such a nice and great Autobot as Silence is changed into a mindless killing machine thirsty for killing," he said seriously worried for his friend.

„That won't happen, Jackie. We will end him, well Silence will end him. I doubt he would let any of us kill him instead of him." Bulkhead said a few minutes later. Then they heard the sound of a helicopter coming their way. Wheeljack took out his canons but Bumblebee told him to keep them down. It was agent Fowler. „Took him long enough," Arcee said as they returned to the ship's entrance.

Human-agent jumped out of his helicopter. „Where's Prime?" he immiadetly asked. „Nice to see you too, agent Fowler," Arcee replied. „He's inside," Bulkhead answered and the agent went inside followed by Autobots. 

 „Welcome agent Fowler," said Optimus when he saw the agent enter the ship. „How are you holding up?" he asked. „We are fully functional except for Smokescreen who's on the edge of death," Optimus answered. Human-agent frowned. „How?" he asked. Optimus sighed. „Ratchet and Silence were kidnapped by Decepticons and he got shot then Silence and he went after a traitor and he opened and made his injury deeper and live dangerously. I did surgery on him and his spark was cracked and now he is in a coma." Ratchet quickly explained. „Wait," the agent said. „who's Silence?" he asked. „Me." came a deep voice from behind everyone.

Agent Fowler saw the biggest Autobot he saw. He almost got scared when he saw him. He saw his anger and the hateful gaze he looked at them all with. „I am Silence," he said loud enough to echo that sound around the quiet bridge. „Good to see Autobots have another soldier around them." the agent said looking for the right words to use. „I am going to check on my brother." Silence said and left. The agent gave Autobots confused look. „They grew up together and they are like brothers," Ratchet said simply. Agent nodded.

„Agent Fowler when it'll be safe to call our families?" Jack asked. The agent shook his head. „I don't know. But since Decepticons control all radio stations we can't communicate without being spotted." the man answered and children's faces fell. „What did you tell to them?" Miko asked. „I told them you are with the army because you were in the centre of the attack. And they told me to tell you to be careful." the agent replied.

Silence walked slowly along the corridor to the Smokescreen but he didn't know if he really wanted to go to see him. He just wanted to avoid any other conversation with a human agent. But he knew he should check on him and make sure he is alright. But the wave of anger and sadness washed through him as he approached the door leading to his brother. He opened them and entered and as the door closed behind him he went to his brother's side.

„Hello, brother," he said hoping his brother will hear him or at least know he was there. „I was asking myself when you will wake up. I hope you will return to us soon. I can't look at you being like this anymore. It hurts me. It's my fault you are like this but three days is a far too long time. Ratchet also said we won't give you the plasma because it's all up to you now. Please come back," he begged and his optics got wet with coolant. „I need you." he sobbed rubbing tiredly his face plates. He sat down next to Smokescreen's berth resting his helm on its edge and slowly fell into recharge.

*Silence?* Bumblebee beeped when he was looking for his friend to talk to him. Silence woke up because of Bumblebee's beeping voice behind the walls and quickly cleared his optics and tried not to cry again failing instantly. Bumblebee opened the door and entered them but froze in the door frame when he saw Silence crying. „Silence? What happened?" he asked worriedly. Silence shook his helm. „I can't lose him, Bee. I...can't lose anyone... Not another one..." he cried silently. Bumblebee smiled under his mask and hugged a much bigger bot with surprising easiness. „You won't lose anyone, Si. We are way too annoying for you to get rid of us so easily." the scout said and Silence chuckled. „You always know how to cheer up a bot, you know that?" he said as he hugged scout back. They stayed like this for a while until Silence decided it was enough Bumblebee didn't mind he felt happiness in his chassis when he cheered up someone. Especially a friend he failed a long time ago. 

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