Chapter 17

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The following practice Hinata had with Kageyama was ridiculously tense, every other member on the team could feel the tension in the air. So much that it became suffocating to the other members that extra practice was concluded early, leaving everyone to take a shower, then return to their room. Hinata spared no moment before taking a shower then rushing back to the room where the team was staying. He was worried about Tsukishima, whom he hadn't he seen since he left Hinata to talk to Kageyama. Though the last thing that he said to Hinata before leaving may have been a gentle 'I love you', Hinata was still anxious about how Tsukishima must have felt about the entire situation after leaving. He hadn't responded to Tsukishima's words, and he felt that he needed to answer as soon as possible before something happened.

Hinata nearly slipped when almost sprinting around the final corner before he reached the room. Once he arrived in front of the door, he slowly slid it open, hoping to not draw attention to himself when entering. He quietly peaked his head through the opening that he had made in the door, looking around to see nobody in sight. It was only when he heard muffled shuffling, did he turn his head to look towards the corner where his cot had been placed. That's where he found Tsukishima, lying stomach down, the side of his face pressed into his pillow which he had been hugging onto. Hinata let out a deep sigh before sliding the door open completely, but no reaction came from his blond boyfriend. Once Hinata had stopped walking and placed himself only a few feet away from Tsukishima is when he noticed that he had headphones on.

Hinata gently crouched down onto his knees, leaning forwards on his palms and placing his forehead on Tsukishima's shoulder. Hinata felt Tsukishima jump slightly at the sudden and unexpected contact, quickly rolling over and pulling off his headphones. Hinata didn't get a chance to say a single word before he was pulled into a tight hug, and was rolled over onto the cot. Hinata wrapped his arms back around Tsukishima returning the hug that he was dragged into. He gently nuzzled his face into his boyfriend's chest.

"So, did anything happen after I left? Did he do anything to you?" Tsukishima had released Hinata from the hug and placed his hands on Hinata's cheeks, making him look up at Tsukishima, who bared a solemn expression on his face.

Hinata brought up one of his own hands and laced it with one of Tsukishima's, keeping it pressed against the side of his face, leaning into it. He didn't want to tell Tsukishima about what Kageyama had told him, so he decided to tell him that nothing happened at all, only that Kageyama had just wanted to clarify that he was coming to practice that night. Tsukishima's expression quickly changed to that of a irritated one.

"Sure. Whatever, I don't care anymore." Tsukishima released his hold of Hinata's face and rolled over so that his back was facing the shorter male. Hinata was left confused and upset at his partner's actions. He quickly frog hopped over Tsukishima, placing himself directly in the blockers line of view.

"What's wrong?" Tsukishima's expression seemed to become worse. He solely clicked his tongue before rolling over once again. But after having settled himself once again, Hinata heard him barely mumble under his breath.

"Being told that someone loves you isn't nothing..." 'Wait... If he knows that Kageyama confessed... Did he stay and listen in on our conversation?'

"Tsukishima! Did you stay behind and listen to Kageyama and I's conversation?!" Hinata was angry with Tsukishima, he thought that Tsukishima would trust him him enough to talk to Kageyama, but apparently that was not the case.

"What if I did? If I hadn't, I probably would never have learned about his confession from you. You would never have told me because you wouldn't want to make me mad. You should've just told me, you idiot, rather than trying to keep it from me, if I hadn't already known about how he felt, something was bound to happen between you two without me knowing."

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