Chapter 2

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"Ya, ya I get it, you're thanking me. Now could you just shut up and go find The King or something. I need to go and study" He turned around and continued in the direction that he was originally headed. His reaction irked Hinata to no end. His blood started to pump.

"What's wrong with me thanking you? Stingyshima decided to be nice for once; it's a miracle!" Hinata exclaimed while trailing behind Tsukishima, trying to keep up. It was and honest struggle for Hinata, since Tsukishima's legs were so long.

Without even looking back at Hinata, Tsukishima kept walking, providing no response. Slowly he raised up his hands, reaching for his headphones planning on droning out the midget following behind him, to no avail when Hinata suddenly jumped and grabbed a hold of him.

"What do you think you're doing, idiot?" He spat, turning his head to glare at Hinata. He spun around multiple times, trying to grab the smaller boy's jacket in an attempt to get him off, but to no avail.

"Trying to get your attention is what I'm doing." Hinata retorted, with a goofy grin spread on his face. He tightened his grip on Tsukishima when he felt him swinging around, nearly loosing his his hold.

Showing no signs of letting go, Tsukishima decided that the best way to get him off, was to just keep walking and to ignore him once again. Which is exactly what he did.

"Woah, woah, woah, woah, woah. Tsukishima! Stop moving, or I'm going to fall!" Hinata started to panic so he tightened his hold Tsukishima's head forcing him to stop.

"Let go of my glasses idiot, you're going to break them." Tsukishima growled while he grabbed ahold of Hinata, attempting to remove him. When Hinata suddenly lurched forward, falling over Tsukishima's shoulders and started to fall towards the ground.

Hinata braced himself, ready for his imminent impact to the ground. When suddenly, he felt two slim arms wrap around him, preventing him from falling any further.

Before saying a single word, Tsukishima had realized where his arms happened to have caught Hinata. His right arm hugged tightly across Hinata's chest, his hand relatively close to where it shouldn't be, his other arm hooked around his left leg, his hand definitely where it should not be.

They both were in a state of shock, Tsukishima quickly dropping Hinata to the ground then cleared his throat.

"That was your fault." Tsukishima scoffed, then began to walk away.

" Wait! What are you talking about, my fault? You're the one who grabbed me, pervert!" Hinata said defensively.

Tsukishima suddenly stopped walking, turning to face Hinata, then slowly made his way over.

"Who are you calling a pervert? It's your fault for falling since you were the one who decided to take me by surprise and jump on my back." Tsukishima responded stridently, annoyance coating his words.

"If you had actually decided to listen to what I was trying to say to you, I wouldn't have have to jump on your back!"

"What were you trying to say then?!" Tsukishima was on the verge of shouting at that point. Anger was begin the fill his head.

"I just wanted to fully thank you for what you did back there with those guys, and how I really appreciate what you did! Not that it matters now I guess..."

Neither of them had realized how close their faces had throughout the heat of the argument. They both instantly retreated backwards, distancing themselves from one another.

Hinata could feel his face warm up slightly, so just to be sure, he spun around and faced away from Tsukishima and made sure that he couldn't see his face.

Neither of them spoke when Tsukishima decided to push his backpack farther up his shoulder and start to head off in the direction of the train station.

But before he could make it through the front gates of the school, Tsukishima heard Hinata yelling from the field,

"Tsukishima! I was wondering if you could tutor me some more since finals are coming up and I won't be able to participate if I don't pass!"

"No way, why would I tutor someone as dumb as you, you idiot. It would be a complete waste of my time. Not to mention me having to be around you longer than I'd have to be. Why would I subject myself to that level of punishment" he called back monotonously.

"Please Tsukishima-san? I'll pay you back for your services! I'll buy you a bunch of strawberry shortcake if you want"

Now the tables had been turned. How far would Tsukishima go for his beloved shortcake?

The answer:

As far as he had to.

"Fine, no more than one hour after school is done. That's all I'm letting you have." Tsukishima replied with slight regret evident in his tone.

"Thank you Stingyshima! Thank you, thank you, thank you!"

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