Forget Me Not

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Baek Kyung got the burnt pages of the Manwa "Trumpet Creeper" he had found in the rooftop out of his blazer pocket and studied them during class. In one of the pages, a speech bubble with "In this entire world, I love you the most" caught his eye. The Eun DanOh in "Trumpet Creeper" and the Eun DanOh in "Secret" had said the exact same lines in different storyboards. That bothered him, it gave him an eerie feeling, there was something very chilling about that Manwa book. And only one person seemed to know anything about it: Jinmiche, the school chef. That man was very suspicious and he was very hard to get any information out of.

Suddenly the next stage began and he was summoned in front of his locker beside Haru. They were animatedly chatting about the awesome tennis match they just had when DanOh approached them. She kindly asked Haru to move so she could talk to Baek Kyung.

Baek Kyung found himself uttering his line "Just say it. Haru doesn't have to leave" 

DanOh blushed as she gave him a brand new tennis racquet with a pretty bow on top "It's a present for you. Actually, I used Haru's help choosing it since you two are best friends."

He took it "Thanks, but I have enough of these racquets at home. Don't get me anymore of these please."

DanOh's smile faded "Ah. Okay."

Baek Kyung sighed "Forget that. Just take care of yourself Eun DanOh. That's the greatest present. Don't collapse again and make me visit you in the hospital. You know I hate going to the hospital..."

Her expression turned really sad and on the verge of tears "I'm really sorry for being ill Baek Kyung..."

"That's not what I meant..." he started to say, but tears already formed in her eyes and all the other students around them started whispering 'He's such an insufferable jerk' 'There he goes, making her cry again' 'What's his problem' 'Poor DanOh, she doesn't even have that long to live' 'He always treats her however he wants'.

Baek Kyung was baffled by the sudden hateful stares towards him, he could feel the story changing again.

He felt his body taking a step towards DanOh "You're always like this" he told her "You always make me out to be the bad guy. Tell me the truth. Is this your real hobby?" Tears fell down DanOh's cheeks. He threw the racquet to the floor and stated walking away.

The stage ended and he couldn't have turned around quicker to apologise to DanOh but Haru was already pulling her away by the hand "Let's go DanOh."

"Hey" Beak Kyung stood one front of her with an apologetic expression "DanOh..."

She looked at him with tears and resentment in her eyes "I know you didn't meant it, but it hurt me anyway..."

She started walking away crushing his heart again. He couldn't take the hurt. "Eun DanOh!" he shouted. Both her and Haru stopped in their tracks and turned around.

"I warned you to stop talking to DanOh like that, did I not?" Haru said taking a step towards him. Baek Kyung was ready to fight, that was better than feeling sorry for himself, but the other students pulled them apart. Haru and DanOh left and he stood there taking in everyone's hateful glares, feeling like the worst creature to ever exist.

He watched the blue blanket above while lying in the rooftop. He finally admitted just how much DanOh meant to him. She had been his safe haven for so long and he had gotten used to taking her for granted. Now it was too late. After becoming self aware she had been rejecting him over and over again. She had been telling him just how much of an arrogant jerk he was, that she had never once liked him, to stay far away from her, how much she wished she had never even met him. She had been ignoring him every chance she got. She had been walking past him like he didn't even exist. It felt like karma. The one person he thought would always be his, didn't even like him in the least. His whole life had been a lie. While in the story DanOh was the one everyone felt sorry for for having a one sided crush on a jerk like Baek Kyung, in reality it was Baek Kyung who was having a one sided crush on the girl who hated him the most. Such irony. 'It's such a funny thing. How nothing's funny when it's you' he thought looking at that unchanging blue sky. He would've paid a fortune to feel as calm and peaceful as that sky, just for 5 minutes.

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