Falling Apart

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EunDanOh suddenly became obsessed with guys' backs and started bumping against every boy's back. She even got caught peeping into the classroom while the boys were changing for PE class. She was behaving so recklessly that soon she fell down the stairs, landing on someone else's back and had to be hospitalised right after.

When she returned back to school, Baek Kyung went over to her desk "Eun DanOh. I heard you were hospitalised again. You're so reckless, no wonder you fell down the stairs. You've just been dicharged. Don't start acting recklessly again."

She blushed and softly said "Thank you for worrying about me Baek Kyung~ah."

He grimaced, not wanting to admit his true feelings and keeping up the tough facade he said "No matter how in love you are with me, you shouldn't mistake that for 'me worrying about you'. Our families will soon have dinner again, I don't want that cancelled because you're hospitalised again. I'm tired of getting blamed for your carelessness."

When the stage was over she rolled her eyes at him and glared "How can you be so constantly rude? You're the worst."

A week passed. The whole class went on the overnight school trip to Jejudo island organised by Namjoo's family. Of course, Baek Kyung couldn't help but be a jerk to DanOh there too. It was what he did best. When they all got off the private bus, DanOh came to Baek Kyung. She cutely tucked her hair behind her ear and extended the wrapped gift to him "This is a present" she said blushing "For you, Kyung~ah." Baek Kyung sighed and scowl. 'There we go again' he thought. He unwrapped the package to find a "trumpet creeper" flower keychain to hang on backpacks. "What's this?" he asked scowling. "A matching keychain charm we can both hand on our backpacks" she explained excitedly. He took a menacing step towards her "You expect me to use this stupid thing?" He threw the charm on the floor and stepped on it before walking away. DanOh cried for a few seconds. Then all of a sudden she started laughing hysterically like a maniac. People stared whispering! "She's finally gone mad", "poor DanOh", "look at her", "Baek Kyung is so mean", "the charm might be a bit feminine, but still, he's her fiancé", "I feel bad for DanOh", "she's ill as well", "he should treat her better."

The next day of the trip, all the students got excited about the island resort's specialty: relationship stone. Legend was when a couple broke a relationship stone together, it always broke in the proportion of love they felt for each other; if the stone broke exactly in half it meant the couple loved each other equally.

DanOh bought a stone and was looking all over the resort for Baek Kyung. Baek Kyung really didn't want to go out there. From his hotel room he could see all the girls swarming Namjoo and Dowha to break the mythical relationship stones with them. He scowled. He didn't want to go through that. He enjoyed some champagne while relaxing in the jacuzzi on the top floor of the resort. After a while he got bored and sneaked out of the hotel to walk on the beach along the sea line, alone with his thoughts.

At one point, DanOh ran towards him excitedly "Baek Kyung! I'm so glad you're here" she stood in front of him holding out a flat stone in front of him "This is a relationship stone, it's supposed to break in the proportions that we like each other." For some reason, he felt really annoyed at her for interrupting his walk as he broke the stone.

She clapped her hands "See? You have the bigger piece Baek Kyung~ah. It means you like me more."

He looked at the larger piece left in his hand and many emotions tightened his chest. His relationship with DanOh was so complicated and he felt so many conflicting emotions towards her. He had considered her his true friend, he was grateful towards her for always being by his side. But he hated that his father wanted to use her to get her father's money. He hated that he was his father's son. He hated that he didn't know when he'd lose her forever. He threw the piece of stone out into the ocean in front of her eyes. "Baek Kyung!" she shouted chocked up with hurt. She cried as she went to retrieve the stupid stone from the ocean. Like a fool, he just watched her go get it without being able to do anything about it. In that moment he felt like something wasn't right, it was a very small nagging feeling in the back of his head.

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