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{ Edited on 08/28/21 }

The leaves crunched under the Peridot's feet as she slowly made her way to the barn. For every step she took she grew more and more nervous. She and Lapis had just gotten into an argument and now she was on her way to talk to her again. She was nervous to say the least.

  After a few minutes of walking, the trees had began to clear up as the barn came into sight. They had made it. Peridot had hung her head low the entire walk, thinking of how she was going to break the news to Lapis. She probably wouldn't take it well, considering the circumstances.

"We're here." Aquamarine suddenly said, breaking Peridot out of her thoughts. It was go time. After not hearing a response from the green gem, she looked over to her and noticed the clear worry in her face. Peridot smiled and gave Peridot a comforting pat on the shoulder. "Don't worry, this is Lapis we're talking about. I'm sure she'll understand.

"That's what I'm afraid of.." Peridot sighed as she walked closer towards their nearly destroyed home. The barn was still in desperate need of repair after Lapis had dropped it on Blue Diamond. "Lapis!" She called out. She began to clasp and unclasp her hands together with every passing second.

After a few moments of silence Lapis looked down from the roof. She couldn't see anyone below her. Maybe this person was really short like Steven? She hesitated, but flew down anyways, curious of who was calling for her. Her mood instantly dampened with the sight of Peridot standing there. "Oh, Peridot. It's you." Lapis sighed, "What do you want?"

Peridot took a deep breath and sighed as well. "Lapis, this is very difficult for me to say! But I.. I think I love you. I love you so much. I have for a while now!" She smiled sheepishly and looked down at her feet. "I'm really really sorry for yelling at you earlier, I just.. didn't want you to find out.."

Lapis silently stared at Peridot with half lidded eyes, not moving a muscle. Peridot took this as a cue to continue.

"Lapis, my very existence depends on seeing your amazing smile every morning, and listening to that adorable laugh you do when you're happy! I'm really sorry for earlier and I'll do anything to make it up to you. I care about you, Lapis." Peridot took a deep breath and grabbed Lapis' hand. "Do.. Do you forgive me? I promise I'll make it up to you." Peridot asked, with a small smile of hope.

Lapis looked down and sighed. "Look, Peridot. You left for a long time and we were so worried about you! I was worried about you! Then one day you just show up out of nowhere and say, 'I love you'?! That's just so.. SELFISH! Do you have any idea how awful it was without you?!" Lapis yelled, glaring daggers at Peridot.

Peridot flinched from Lapis' yelling. Why was she so mad at her? She apologized, and she did what she had to do. Anger and frustration began to bubble up inside of her. "You know, Lapis.." Peridot started, balling her fists, "That's awfully hypocritical coming from YOU!"

Tears stung at the corners of Peridot's eyes. "You were scared to face the Diamonds, so you just.. left! You didn't even care about how I felt! Or Steven, or Pumpkin! You just LEFT!" Peridot yelled.

Once she had started, she found herself unable to stop. "You took our HOME! You took our EVERYTHING! And you didn't even CARE! And- And when you came back, you didn't even say sorry! Just 'hey'! What kind of gem does that?!" Peridot yelled, tears cascading down her cheeks.

Lapis clenched her fists.

"You HURT us!" Peridot cried as her throat had began to turn raw from her yelling. "You hurt everyone! And all you could think about was YOURSE-"

Peridot was cut off by a harsh slap. She hesitantly touched her cheek as it sunk in. Lapis had just slapped her.

"DON'T talk about me like that." Lapis said through clenched teeth. "I've been through a lot! More pain than you'll ever know! That was different! And I'd say that it gives me an excuse!" Lapis took a step toward Peridot, which in turn made Peridot take a step back.

Peridot straightened her back. "NO! Nothing excuses your actions! Just because you were hurt before gives you no excuse to hurt others! You have no excuse to hurt me and Pumpkin! And Steven and everyone else, too!" The greem gem yelled again.

"I get it! You were in pain! But that was a long time ago! But you still destroyed our home!" Peridot yelled as she took a step closer to Lapis this time. "Only clods would do something like that."

Lapis glared down at Peridot, as if she was about to crush her gem with her own two hands if she didn't shut up. The sight alone was enough to do just that. All anger towards Lapis was instantly replaced with an overwhelming fear.

Peridot gulped before hesitantly reaching towards Lapis. "L-Lapis! I'm sor-"

"Save it." Lapis cut her off, slapping her hand away. She turned her back on Peridot once again, just as she had done before. "We're done here." She said, as she summoned her wings and flew away to stars knows where.

Peridot's legs began to shake as she realized what had just happened. She tried to tell Lapis how she felt, she really tried, but it just wasn't enough. Lapis was angry with it. It seemed that no matter what she did, she always seemed to make the growing situation worse.

Losing all capability to stand, Peridot fell to her knees as she silently stared at the sky. A few tears ran down her cheeks. She'd probably just tanked her and Lapis' relationship for the rest of eternity. Aquamarine gasped as she rushed to Peridot's side.

She couldn't believe what she had just witnessed. She had never seen Lapis like that before. It honestly scared her. She needed to find out how to help these two sort their issues out.

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