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{ Edited on 8/22/21 }

Lapis sat on top of the silo, watching the moon as Aquamarine leaned against her arm. The two of them had arrived home a while ago, both exhausted from the fun they had today. The two were still in their clothes they had worn at the park, sipping on their hot chocolate.

Lapis watched Aquamarine's eyes droop, slowly closing until she had fallen asleep. For a second she envied the small gem's ability to fall asleep so quickly. As tired as her body may have been, her mind was still racing with thoughts about Peridot.

She shook her thoughts out of her head. She would definitely see Peridot again, hopefully. But now wasn't the time to think about that. She looked down as her sleeping girlfriend.

Lapis smiled, and picked up her her small partner. She slowly summoned her wings, careful not to wake the sleeping gem in her arms. She quietly flew to the second floor of the barn and laid Aqua on the couch. Once she was down, Lapis laid next to her on the couch. After a few minutes of just staring at the ceiling, she finally closed her eyes. She thought about Peridot, and how she wished she knew what was really going on.

She was going to get answers sooner or later.


Lapis opened her eyes to hear the sound of the birds singing, which was quickly drowned out by distant coughing. She slowly sat up and looked around, looking for the source of the sound.

She quietly stood, and followed the sound. She took quick and quiet steps, careful not to alert whatever was making the noise. As she kept walking, she ventured further and futher into the woods, until she stepped on something. It was soft and quietly crunched underneath her feet. She looked down.

There were blue flower petals. A lot of them, at that. They made a thin trail leading deeper into the forest.

Lapis followed the small trail of petals. Her eyes widened, she had found just the gem she had been looking for. Peridot. She coughing loudly, as a pile of blue petals surrounded her. Lapis took cautious steps toward the gem until she was fairly close.

Peridot was still wearing her clothes from the previous night, since it was still decently cold outside. It didn't make sense since gems didn't really get cold, but it still looked good on her anyways.

Lapis prepped herself before jumping from her hiding spot and landing right in front of Peridot. The smaller gem flinched and immediately stood up in an attempt of escape. Lapis wasn't going to let her go this time. She needed answers.

Lapis swiftly grabbed Peridot's wrist. "Peridot, what are you doing here? Where have you been? Me and the others have been worried sick!" Lapis asked as she kept Peridot within distance.

"N-nothing! Nowhere!" Peridot cried out in a mere raspy whisper and she wriggled in Lapis' grasp. The amount of petals she had been coughing up left her throat raspy and in pain.

Lapis paused for a moment, noticing how awful Peridot looked and sounded. Her voice sounded terrible, and the smaller gem looked drained. What happened to her?

"Peridot, are you.. okay?" Lapis asked slowly coming closer to the green gem. Peridot didn't exactly look the greatest at the moment. She seemed like she would collapse at any moment.

"I'm fine, Lazuli.." Peridot blatantly lied, looking down at the ground. It was very clear to anyone that just by looking at her you could tell that she indeed was not 'fine'.

Lapis gave Peridot an unimpressed expression that basically said 'cut the bullshit'. She then proceeded to grab Peridot by her arm and walk her in the direction of the barn.

⌈ Hanahaki - Lapidot ⌋ COMPLETED ✓Where stories live. Discover now