What the King Wants, the King Gets [OLD] Yandere! Godzilla X Horse Kaijū! Reader

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This was requested by @FunkyBullShrimp72

One Week Before Thanksgiving

You are taking a casual stroll around the mountains while collecting ingredients for your Thanksgiving dinner with your family. You and your family are the only horse type kaijūs around the globe. Sadly, you are one of the weakest monsters. You are stronger than the giant octopus and giant condor, and that is not saying a lot. Your only physical attack is a back leg kick, that is it. You have no super attacks, no powers, no other physical abilities. Any monster who has crossed paths with you LOVE to remind you of how feeble you are. It is common for strong monsters to disrespect powerless ones.

While you are walking, you felt some weight on your back. You look behind and see Gaira is trying to sit on your back. You hate it when someone tries to get rides from you. You may be a horse, but you have your dignity. You stand on your hind legs and Gaira slides off of you. He gets very angry and throws punches at you. You start to run away but you are stopped by him grabbing your tail. Sanda appears out of nowhere and looks over at what his brother is doing. Sanda pulls his brother away from you and roars at him. Gaira punches his brother and then they fight each other. You did not want to stay to see who would win the fight, you took this chance to get the hell out of there.

You arrive at the beach and take a minute to admire the beauty of the ocean. Suddenly, Ebirah emerged from the water and crawls to where your standing. 'Greaaat, not this jerk again.' You thought to yourself. Ebirah loves to bully you for being weak because he was thrilled to find out that he has an opponent who he can beat. In the past, he has defeated you in a fight once, then he rubs it in your face and tells everyone about it. "Well hello, it is so good to see you again. I just wanna wish you a Happy Thanksgiving." Ebirah said. You tilted your head in confusion, he has never showed any kindness to you before. "Uh... thanks." You replied. "You know what I'm thankful for on this special holiday?" He asked. "I don't know, what?" You responded. "I'm thankful that you are weaker than me, therefore, I am made fun of less." He taunted and laughed at you. You scoffed and rolled your eyes. You start to walk away but he pinches your front leg with his hand. You kick him with your back legs, he stumbles back from the impact. "Oh sure, just run away like a scared little girl. I'll just tell everyone that you're a coward too." He shouted. You ignore him and head into the jungle.

After running around in the jungle for a while, you laid on the floor to rest. Out of nowhere, Gabara sits next to you and says hi. "Aren't you going to beat me up for being weak like you do with Minilla and Kamacuras?" You asked curiously. "Nah, I wouldn't beat up a girl." Gabara said smugly while putting emphasis on the word girl. "Watch your attitude." You said firmly. He was arguing and acting defensive towards you, but you saw right through him and told him off. "Fine, be that way, I was trying to be nice to you, but you're just a jackass, figuratively and literally." Gabara barked before walking away from you. You growled and left the jungle in a hurry.

You were standing near a ledge while feeling mildly depressed. You just about had enough of all of the torment you have been through. You try to stay positive and be kind to everyone around you, but it is really hard to do so when the people around you do not treat you the same way you treat them. You let some tears slip from your face. There was no point in showing your sadness in front of your enemies because they get satisfaction from your suffering. That is why when you feel like crying, you do it in private.

You look all around you to see if anyone was near you. When the coast seemed clear, you said to yourself, "Why do I even bother anymore? I wish I was never even born." You walk away and focus on getting the ingredients instead of taking your sweet time strolling around. You spoke to yourself again, "The sooner I get the ingredients, the faster I can go home and hide for the rest of the day."

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