[OLD] Smart VS. Pride [] Gigan (Showa) X (Fav Kaijū)! Reader

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Godzilla is at Monster Island currently sound asleep. He woke up from the dawn's light shining in his face. He felt slightly groggy after a long day yesterday of destroying Tokyo. He slowly ascended from the ground only to stand still for a few minutes in an attempt to fully wake himself up. Afterwards, he took a morning walk around the island to make sure the island is looking normal; that and he needs exercise.

Out of nowhere, he hears a high pitched screeching from the distance that sound like electronic chirps. He looks upwards to where the brief roars sound closer. Flying towards him was none other than Gigan. He lands in front of him and harshly roars as if to say he is demanding a rematch. Godzilla roars back and charges after him.

You were sound asleep in a nearby cave until the loud noises of shrieking and things being demolished forced you to wake up. You stood upright and left your cozy little shelter. A roar of agony rang your ears, you recognized that roar to belong to Godzilla. Naturally, you felt concerned for him so you ran to go find him. After a few minutes, you were met with a hurt Godzilla lying on his side.

Next to him is a strange... truly the strangest kaijū you've ever seen. He looked like a... part robot/ part alien/ part chicken creature? Right now, Godzilla is getting his ass handed by that thing. You witness the creature kicking him repeatedly on his head and gut. Godzilla keeps trying to get up but to no avail.

You have an idea to distract the foreign kaijū in order to buy Godzilla some time to move. Thus, you emit the loudest roar you could muster up. Gigan was very focused on harming Godzilla, that he didn't expect the roar coming and therefore got startled by it. Needless to say, he got pissed off and turned his head to where the sound came from. He felt ready to give another kaijū a bloodbath, but instead he happened to be in shock when he saw you. His jaw dropped and his entire body froze. He thought you were captivating and he felt compelled to not hurt you but to... keep admiring you.

When Godzilla realized he was not getting beaten, he gets up and hits Gigan with his tail whip move. The force of the tail caused him to be thrown against a nearby mountain. As his back collided against it, the mountaintop crumbled so rocks were falling and piling up on him. You went up to Godzilla and asked if he was alright, to which he replied with a nod. "What was going on and who was that?" You asked. Godzilla sighed and placed his palm on his face. "That was my archrival, Gigan." He said before putting his hand down. "He is a cyborg space dinosaur who is bent on killing me, if it weren't for your assistance I would've been greatly injured than I am now so thank you." "You are very welcome... are you sure you'll be alright?" You asked Godzilla. "Yeah it's nothing I can't handle, I'll just walk it off." You shook your head at Godzilla's stubbornness. The poor kaijū really needed a break from combat. The two of you proceeded with your morning routine.

Meanwhile, Gigan was breaking out of the pile of rocks in a rapid manner. He was frustrated from losing the battle earlier but he felt calm when he thought about you. To him, you were the most attractive creature he has ever seen. He spotted you walking away, without thinking he started to follow you around. He would keep his distance and hide behind anything that was next to him so you wouldn't catch him. He would watch you walk, eat breakfast, and inspect a crashed ship to find any loot; which is what your doing right now. Anything you did just amuses him, he couldn't get enough of your beauty.

Godzilla just happened to cross paths with you and he saw Gigan. He got worried for your safety, hence he snuck behind Gigan and roared at him, which lead to him getting startled again. "Dammit Gigan! Are you here to fight me or are you here to stalk my friends!?!" Godzilla yelled. Gigan didn't answer him but instead took off flying until he was out of sight. You overheard what happened and felt nervous. "What is up with that guy?" You asked Godzilla shakily. Godzilla just shrugged, "Trust me, he's a coward and I already drove him away so I wouldn't worry about him alright?" You exhaled before hesitantly nodding, afterwards you went on with your day.

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