Property of a Mecha [OLD] Yandere! Mechagodzilla (Showa) X Human! Pilot! Reader

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You are a pilot for the U.S. Air Force. Recently, you have been promoted to move to Tokyo in order to join the Imperial Japanese Army Air Service. There have been occurring outbreaks of monsters attacking Tokyo and other regions of Japan. It just so happens that you have acquired plenty of experience in fighting Titans around the USA during your career. Thus, the Japanese and American Air Forces thought you would be a good fit for Titan combat. You arrived in Japan, early in the morning in their time zone. You went through orientation and settled in your base.

You are given your first solo assignment by your commander to interrogate the island of Okinawa. Your mission is to locate a suspicious robot kaijū which looks like Godzilla who is rumored to be built by aliens. Your objective is to lure the robot to the military base so the government can study it and if possible, reprogram it so it will fight for humanity. You get in your designated fighting jet and you take off for Okinawa.

As you arrive at the island, you immediately spot the robot Godzilla. It appears to be in sleep mode at the moment. You fly closer to it and discover that it has a giant door that is open on its foot. You prepare yourself for a landing. You step out of your jet and head inside the robot to explore. You know this is not a part of your mission but this was your one and only chance to find out more on what your dealing with. You could exploit any new info on this Mecha and share it to the government for their research purposes.

You take the elevator which takes you inside the head of the mechanical monster. You look to the right and see this monster's eyes. You look through the right eye and see the island through yellow tinted glass. You turn around and then see a large dome with a reddish pink orb inside of it. You would assume that this part acts like its brain.

There is a label on the stand of the dome that read 'MECHAGODZILLA ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE'. You made the realization that this was no ordinary robot. 'Oh my goodness gracious... so this Mechagodzilla robot has a mind of its own.' You look to the other side of the dome and notice an emotions table. There is a symbol for each feeling that will light up when the emotion is being used. Such as happiness, anger, sadness, etc. 'Holy cow! This robot has to have been built by aliens, not only can it think independently, but it can feel emotions too! But the question is, which alien race could have built this?'

Meanwhile, the Black Hole Planet 3 Aliens are preparing to reboot their ultimate world domination machine, Mechagodzilla. They were able to reclaim and repair their secret base located in the caves of Okinawa. Kuronuma, their leader, is using a tracking device to distinguish Mechagodzilla's current location. After Kuronuma successfully locates Mechagodzilla, he checks the interior radar and finds an unknown being roaming around the head. "An intruder infiltrating our Mechagodzilla unit? I don't think so. Let's get rid of you once and for all, pest." He said. He pressed a red orange colored button which activates a death trap installed inside the robot.

You got startled over the loud sound of gasses hissing. You see tiny pipes below you dispensing out a heavy amount of scorching hot mist in a fast speed and heated red ceiling lamps were activated. You sprinted to the elevator and got away before the humidity could get to you. You hop on your jet and take off flying. The door closes and Mechagodzilla wakes up. Kuronuma grabs his communicator and starts giving Mechagodzilla commands. "You see that jet in front of you Mechagodzilla? Shoot it down." He said.

Mechagodzilla launches his rockets underneath his feet and flies after your jet. When your radar went off, you look at it and see an object heading to you. You hear your missile sensors go off letting you know that 4 are behind your tail. You act fast and make a harsh right turn to dodge the missiles. More were coming your way so in your last minute decision, you do a barrel roll. You got lucky the missiles missed you. However, that move was not meant for air combat practice but instead was intended for air performances. You knew it was not smart to pull that off and you tell yourself not to attempt that move again.

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