
448 20 0

December 30

It is Christmas morning, Sammy knows today is the day.
She puts on her boots, sweater, coat, and scarf and heads towards the bridge.
She sees the sign she has read so many times before "caution long fall stay behind railing!!"
She climbs up the railing and sits down. Silent tears roll down her face she knows this is it. She reaches over to push her self up, so she can get ready to jump but her hand touches something leathery.
She lifts her hand to find a journal, a worn out leather bound journal.
Curiosity getting the better of her she opens the book revealing messy writing scrawled over yellowing pages. Barley readable with rain damage and dust she begins reading.

By the time she's finished reading She's sobbing. The date on the page Tate died is December 30 it's been a year exactly.

She knows she can't make the same mistake. She tucks the book in her coat and jumps back onto the bridge, and she runs for what seems like forever until she's standing in front of a stone, carved with words of true love, two stones side by side engraved with "Alina and Tate forever in our hearts, our tears fall heavy you will be missed.

Sammy's hear breaks a little more at the fact that they were buried together. She slowly walks around the graveyard picking up random wildflowers, and when she has enough she puts them onto of the graves.

She sits for a moment, and realizes that two people she barley even knew just saved her life. She dug a little hole with her hands and put the book in. Covering it back up with dirt.

She kisses her hand and touches it to both graves and turns to walk away, only turning back to whisper to the lifeless stones "thank you".

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