443 25 4

December 31
i am in the hospital.
not because of me, my mom or anyone else in my family.
but because of tate, he was driving to my house and got in a car crash because of all the ice on the roads.
apparently the other family in the car was killed on impact. i have been sitting here for 3 hours and still no word from the doctor.
at first i was sad
then i was mad
and now i'm just empty...
tate's mom is here, she's crying.
hospitals are horrible places filled with death and tears and sadness and lost memories and shattered childhoods, and i never wish to return to one.
tate can't be dead is what I tell myself, repeating the words over and over in my head. i have actually started to believe them.
God can't just give me this gift, this gift that makes me happy and then take him away before out time even started. right?
the door opens and the doctor come out carrying a clipboard with a serious look on his face.
my spirit falls.
this doesn't look good.
"i am sorry miss, but tate is dead"
[A/N: okay 200 reads for the next chapter... Also sorry for the cliff hanger. Please vote if you like this chapter. Bye! Ily!]

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