Chapter Ten

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"--HARRY! ARE YOU A FUCKING HERO?" I jolt awake in Harry's bed, hearing shouts from the other side of the room. I quietly creep over, making sure to stay hidden so I can listen in on the conversation. Looking over, I see Harry sitting on the floor and leaning on a chair and Campbell sitting on the sofa, elbows on knees. "Do you wan more pills?" What the fuck did he just say?

"WHAT?!" I shout, walking up to them and letting myself be known.

"Jamie, I-" Harry starts but I cut him off.

"What does he mean, Harry? Why did he ask you that as if you've had them before?" I question, already knowing the answer.

"I...I, I don't know." He stutters, Campbell watching in amusement.

"THE HELL, YOU DON'T KNOW!" I scream, waking up whoever is still asleep in the house. "Prom night when you were talking to Campbell. You weren't talking about were asking for pills." I conclude, tears forming in my eyes as I lick my dry lips.

"See? I always knew you were the smart one in the family." Campbell smiles, making me glare at him viciously. "Look, Harry, I can make you come out smelling like roses." Campbell pulls out a clear bag with about ten white pills inside. I look over at Harry, who is eyeing the pills, and silently beg him not to.

"Fine, just give me the fucking pills." Suddenly, all anger that I previously felt leaves me. I give the two an empty smile. I silently stand and walk over to the bedroom door. My hand trembles as I reach for the handle.

"Both of you, just...just stay away from me." When I spoke, the voice that came out of my throat did not sound like anything that had ever belonged to me. 


"The bus driver?" I ask Kelly, confused. Allie, Becca, Sam, Gordie, Will and I are sat in Allie's living room as Kelly tells us something apparently 'important'.

"I know him." Kelly states.

"What does that mean?" Becca asks, making sure to sign everything everyone is saying so Sam understands.

"The day before all this happened, Harry and I went to his mother's office and she was in a meeting with your dad Sam and Jamie, Rodgers Eliot, and this man." She informs, pointing to her phone in Allie's hands that shows a picture of Cassandra and the bus driver in the background. "They were fighting."

"She was fighting with the bus driver?" Will deadpans.

"I found some texts and emails that mention the meeting and his name's Pfeiffer. And he had something to do with the smell. That's only thing I could figure out." She sighs. I look down in thought when suddenly Becca speaks up.

"I know something about this." She says, looking directly at Sam. She's speaking for him. "I found a contract and some letters. The day you went home sick-- me, he's talking about me. Campbell made me destroy them. He said they were dangerous to our family." She finishes, looking hurt.

"I never told you. I'm sorry. I'm sorry." Sam whispers, using his voice. "I took some pictures before I destroyed them." He says, going on his phone. He passes it to Kelly, letting her take a look.

"it's a contract for one point five million dollars to get rid of the smell." Becca says, speaking for Sam again. "And a letter from my father and Uncle Rodgers refusing to pay. Dated two days before it happened. That's the day the smell came back." Becca says.

"It's impossible. You can't just drive a bus in between two universes." Gordie speaks.

"It's the same guy." Kelly defends. "Pfeiffer. And we need to find him."

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