Chapter Nine

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Currently, I'm walking after Campbell because he just put Harry's name on the mayor sign up sheet.

"What the fuck, Cam?" I yell, making him turn around and smirk. "I only just managed to get him out of bed. No fucking way is did he agree to run for mayor."

"Calm down, will you? He's fine. Besides, I'll make sure he's ready." Campbell grins, carrying on walking. Fucking dickhead.


"There's still time to say no, Grizz!" I plea to Grizz as him and the others, that agreed to join him on his quest to find farmland, go through what they packed in their rucksacks.

"Jamie, I've told you, like, a billion times- you aren't going to change my mind. What happened with Emily won't happen again, I promise. We'll be careful." He responds, holding my shoulders as I look desperately into his eyes.

"How do you know it won't happen again? Huh? How do you know that YOU won't be killed by some snake?" He stays silent so I carry on. "Grizz it doesn't matter how prepared you think you are, the woods are unpredictable and dangerous. Just please stay here!" 

"Jamie-" He starts, although Allie walks in.

"How's it going?" She asks, moving closer to us. Grizz gives me a smile that's meant to be reassuring before walking over to Allie, me following behind.

"Good. Just a few adjustments." Grizz's voice booms through the large, empty gym hall.

"Have you decided which way you're going to go?" Allie questions as I stand in between the two.

"Yeah. First we're going to turn east-" I cut him off.

"No. Grizz isn't going at all. The others will be fine without him." I declare, huffing, making the two look at me sympathetically. Feeling my nose tingle, indicating I'm about to cry, I rush out, deciding to go see Harry.


"Hey." I smile, walking up to him in his kitchen as he cleans a cup. Harry's hair is messy and he's got a stubble but at least he's not in bed anymore.

"Oh, hey, Jamie." He smiles back, turning to me. "I, uh, just wanted to say, thank you for coming to check up on me and everything."

"Harry, I'm not checking up on you- I'm spending time with you because I want to. Now, onto some more pressing matters. Why did my brother sign you up for mayor?" I question, raising my eyebrows and leaning my weight on one leg.

"Well, um...we both think that things need to change around-"

"Shut the fuck up." I sigh. "What? Did you make a deal with him?"

"No, I just want to get my life back." He defends.

"Right, so you're willing to make a deal with the devil." I half glare, completely flabbergasted.

"He's your brother!" He shouts, throwing his hands in the air.

"EXACTLY, HARRY! FUCKING EXACTLY!" I put my hands on the counter and look out the window, taking deep breaths to calm down before speaking again. "Harry, the fact that he's my brother and I'm saying to you do not trust him, should make you even more cautious." He brings me into a hug.

"It'll be fine. Nothing bad will happen." He whispers into my ear. It doesn't matter what he says to me, Campbell is dangerous- even I know that. 


"I'm gonna say it again." Announces Clark. Currently, Grizz, Clark, Jason and I are in the living room, drinking alcohol and talking about random stuff. Well, it was random until Clark brought up that Allie won't let them run for council or mayor. Clearly, Clark is not happy about that and the alcohol isn't helping either. Him and Jason are sitting on the sofa while I'm sitting on the floor, legs out.

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