Chapter Two

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It's been ten days. Ten days of me locking myself in my room, not talking to anyone, barely eating and barely sleeping. I've spent all my time just lying in bed thinking of all the posibilities of how Emily could've lived. What if I went with her? She could still be here. Or if I convinced her to stay? She would be alive. A bunch of people have come round, trying to get me out of my room but all I do is throw something at the door, never saying a thing. I feel like death. You know, I thought the worst pain you could feel is finding out someone you loved, died. Turns out, it's learning how to live your life without that person. It fucking sucks. Everything just sucks.

"Hey, Jamie? Open up." 

"Go away, Campbell. I don't want to talk." My voice croaky from the lack of it.

"Open the door, Jamie. You don't have to talk, just listen. It would be better if you could see us though." Campbell shouts.

"Us? Who's with you?" Why would he bring people. 

"Harry." Something inside me has just lightened up at the mention of his name. Weird. I slowly make my way to the door and unlock it. There stands Campbell with a plate of pancakes, strawberries and chocolate source. Next to him is Harry with a giant teddy bear. What. The. Fuck.

"You have five minutes." I state then step to the side to let them in.

"Step one: get the door open. Complete. Step two: get her talking. Complete. Step three: get her dressed and out the house. Working progress." Campbell comments, earning him a look.

"Jamie, please come outside. I know everything sucks right now but it will get better, I promise." Never knew Harry was a motivational speaker.

"I'm too tired to fight you on this. BUT if someone says ANYTHING about ANYTHING I don't like, bitch gonna be on the floor with a broken nose." The two boys smile and walk out, Campbell whispering about step three being completed. 

Great so now I have to get ready. Well, if I'm living again then I'm gonna come back with a bang. First, shower. Let's see, here. Ooh, this is good.  

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