Chapter Eight

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"Just try it! You never know, you might like it." Drones Allie. She's been trying to get me to eat a piece of pumpkin pie but with no luck. 

"Okay, fine, fine. But you have to stop bugging me if I eat a small forkful." I laugh, giving in, tired of my cousin's perseverance. She nods and laughs, passing me a fork. I take a scoop and put it in my mouth. The only thing I can imagine while eating this pie is when we decorate a pumpkin at Halloween. The horrible smell and the feeling of guts from the seeds. With much struggle, I manage to swallow the mouthful. 

"See! Wasn't too bad." She says, while I grab my glass of water, taking large gulps, trying to relieve my taste buds of the nasty tang. 

"Really? I have a feeling my mouth wants to murder me for doing that!" I argue, smiling.

"It's the improv class!" Someone says, making the church go quiet as we turn our attention to the five people on stage.

"Okay, hi! We are going to be performing an act that hasn't been done before. Can we have a situation from the audience please?" Bean asks. Apparently, they've been practising.

"Rap battle!"

"Rainy day!"

"Football game!"

"Field trip!" Olivia yells, cupping her hands over her mouth to make it louder.

"Field trip, we can do that!" The group get into positions.

"AAAAAALLLLLLL ABOARD FOR THE NATIONAL PARK! You're either on the bus, or off the bus!" The bus driver yells, the crowd laughing. They all 'get on' the bus.

"Are we nearly there yet? I have to pee!" Lexi says, looking behind her. 

"Speaking of pee, I'll be right back." I whisper to Allie. I quietly weave my way out to the side and into the bathroom. I walk into a stall and lock the door. I finish my business, wash my hands and make my way back to my seat.

"There's a bullet in her heart!" Lexi screeches from the floor, next to a girl laying on her back. I don't know what I missed exactly but I don't think this is a harmless play anymore. Brandon stands from his crouched position.

"I'm Sherlock Frog because my quads are killing me." He announces, making the crowd laugh but Allie's face is straight. "And I believe that there's a murderer in these woods!"

"Yes!" Lexi agrees. "And I think the murderer is...YOU!" She points to Brandon. "Arrest him!"

"Me? But I'm a totally innocent detective!" He cries. Turning to the side, Allie has tears in her eyes. We need to stop this without causing a commotion.

"Oh, the crone! She was my sister! I will be avenged. The killer must die!" Lexi concludes, having the nerve to look Allie in the eyes. "You!" She point to Bean. "You must kill the detective."

"I can't" Bean replies, knowing this is going off track.

"Oh my god! If you want anything done around here," She stands and walks next to Brandon. "you have to do it yourself." She pretends to pull the trigger of a gun at Brandon's head, making him fall to the floor. Without thinking, I jump up, ready to smack that bitch but Jason quickly grab my hand, stopping me. Will stands, clapping.

"Okay, great show guys." He says, trying to not let it escalate.

"No! You can't stop me!" Lexi shouts from the stage, looking at Will. "I'm in charge here! I'm the witch!"

"Yeah we get it." Will says, sounding bored and just wanting this whole thing over with. I turn and look at Allie again, this time, a single tear has escaped.

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