Chapter 2

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"Hello class, my name is Ms. Silver, but please call me Silver. Who's excited to learn about fairytales and fables?"

I felt like throwing crickets music as a background I felt sorry for her. She's going to be one of those teachers.

My head thuds against the desk and the teacher picks up on it. "Uh oh, sounds like someone's already bored with class let's do an icebreaker."

Why did I take this class? Silver starts distributing papers onto everyone's desks. Cam lifts his up and laughs.

"Silver, unfortunately, my mute Cinderella can't do this icebreaker."

I was about ready to call him out when I lifted my head and glance at the title of the paper: Which Fairytale or Fable Would You Be? A dead one that's what.

Silver scribbles fiercely on the chalkboard almost snapping the pink chalk in half. Cinderella equals Ella Glass.

Cam snickers. "Your name is Ella?"

I write fiercely into a piece of paper. No, my name's Elle. Then just because I could I write at the bottom. Mister I-Think-I'm-So-Hot.

He read the note and scribbles back. Thank you. While in the same breath he goes to Silver. "Her name's Elle not Ella."

My mouth becomes unhinged as he said that. Did that really just happen? Oh my gosh, he's looking at me, paper something, anything. A piece of paper slid into view and he quickly removes his hand when the teacher turns to face us. Subtly, I unfold the paper on my lap using the desk as a shield.

I've got your back. The handshake is loyal my dear and we will start the Handshake Revolution. Just breathe love.

I stare at the paper. Dear? Love? Just who does he think he is?

"Move it nerd."

Cam's POV.

This was going so well until Salina waltzes through the door. She doesn't take this class, which is why I specifically took this course.

Her blond hair catches glints of sunlight as she sashays over to the front desk beside me. Poor boy, his glasses are fogging us due to his panting over her. Unfortunately, she'd never give the time of day to a guy like him. I can't say I didn't try, but my good looks seem to blind everyone. Some could say I bathe in a tub of it just so I can cool down enough for people to touch me. Sadly, I don't do that I shower like a normal guy, but if a girl ever wants to...she knows where to find me.

"Move it nerd." She shoves the boy out of the desk and he does nothing just gathers his stuff and wait, what's Elle doing?

She removes all her things and gestures for the boy to take her spot. I feel myself bristle like a personal insult. What did I do to her? Did she not like being called dear? Or is the note passing thing to creepy for her? If she gave me her number we could text. "Or you could just take it from her." The voice in my head whispers.

I decide to get her number when I search my pockets and my phone isn't there. What the heck? I pat down my jacket thinking I misplace it when I see Elle sneak out the door just as the boy takes her seat. Why that little thief.

Elle's POV

I know I'm terrible, but I couldn't resist if this handshake means we've got each other's backs. Well, I'm sure a few contacts wouldn't be missed from his phone. Now how do you turn this thing on?

"Need some help there?" I almost drop the phone when I hear the gentle musical voice. Way to not be suspicious as I glance up my brown hair tumbling into my face.

Wanted: Cinderella (book 1 of the wanted fairy tales series)Where stories live. Discover now