Chapter 4

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Elle's POV

I shake my head at the blank canvas in front of me. The can feels heavy in my hand yet I don't feel like there would be enough paint to show how I feel.

"Oh come on thief hurry up. I haven't got all day." Cam huffs as water sloshes onto the concrete. I told him not to fill the buckets up so high, but no he has to be a man and not listen.

The principal leans against my canvas. "I've got all day Mr. Skye although I'd prefer you hurry up Miss Glass before the sun sets."

I hold a hand up completely forgetting I had my finger on the nozzle until a stream of red paint shots out.

"Oh come on." Cam glances down at himself.

"Oh look a work of art. Do me a favor love and run into the wall while it's still wet." I give him the sweetest smile I can. "Handshake?"

"No I'm not going to be-"

The principal takes a menacing step forward and Cam scowls. He puts the buckets on the ground and after a quick glance around runs straight into the wall.

Cam's POV

The things I do for that girl. I jab angrily at a candy bar wrapper. I'm still sore from running into the wall and then having to clean her "work of art". Principal B is out to get me with making the thief get away with graffitiing the wall at the basketball court so I'd have something to clean. Not to mention my buddies were sitting on the bleachers having a grand old time at my expense.

"Hey Cam you missed a piece of garbage over there." My older brother Alick points to something. He doesn't see Elle stand behind him something wadded in her hand. It looks like she's going to; oh she didn't throw it. Instead my brother yelps like a girl and is frantically trying to get whatever Elle shoved down his shirt.

"You little thief." My brother shrieks and Matthews bless him restrains my brother from hurting the thief.

I drop my stick and race over to Elle even though Matthews can hold his own I don't want to be far from the thief when my brother has pretended to calm down.

"Alright, alright I'm calm I'm sorry thief I tried lunging at you."

Matthews releases him and my brother lunges at the screaming thief.

Author's note:sorry for the short chapter, but thank you for the 517 reads:)

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 13, 2015 ⏰

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