Chapter 1

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I am an idiot for even daydreaming of going out with Cam, the notorious bad boy of Memorialize High and my best friend's brother.

"So Elle, what do you want to do today? Should we go pull off all the Party Of The Year posters? Maybe go to the football game and drool over the players while we make fun of the cheerleaders?"

Theresa leans against the green lockers. Her silky blond hair falls exactly to her hour shape waist. Baby blue eyes peer at me under thick black eyelashes as she purses her full pink lips. Theresa's my friend and the school's "play thing". I really need to find a polite word for her description, but she has slept with every guy in school. Rumor has it she's even slept with her brother...she's done nothing to agree or disagree with it.

I slam my locker door and roll my eyes. "I don't know Tear, probably posters?"

She has a glint in her eyes and a slow smile spreads to complete impishness. "What did you do?"

Tear displays what she has hidden behind her back. Piles of posters with smeared words and the head cheerleaders face in the middle.

"Umm, Tear what's this?"

"Vote for the Wicked Witch of the West posters of course. I thought it was an amazing resemblance except for she's wearing makeup so you can't see the warts. Maybe we should tell Cam?"

"Tell my brother what?" Serina slams into the locker behind me. Her strawberry blond hair is so long that she has it in a fancy bun and uses it as a belt, but it still trails down to the floor. We're her "hair rescuers" and have to run to the door so we can release her hair. She raises a fine plucked eyebrow at us. "What about my brother?"

Theresa smiles like the Cheshire Cat upon first seeing Alice. "His girlfriend the head cheerleader has warts that she covers up with her makeup."

"Aha! Riiiight, whatever you say, Esa. Cam would've dumped her if she had warts."

Theresa places her hands on her hips trying to make herself look imposing and failing miserably. "How do you know? She wears a mask each day."

"Well makeup does come off little one and besides she's a-"

"Don't want to hear it Cam." Serina slugs her brother in the arm and he pretends to wince although Serina can't hit at all, which is why she carries a baseball bat with her wherever she goes.

I, on the other hand, am staring at this God beside me trying to act like he doesn't affect me and failing miserably. How can I pretend? Very easily and I struggle to move my muscles into a frown.

I don't care about his black short hair with its frosted tip. Nor am I impressed with his loose washed out blue jeans or slim fit black tee that hugs his biceps. Damn he works out or what? What would it be like to snuggle into those arms? Nope, not impressed.

He cross his arms across his chest. "So what that's supposed to be?" He uses his chin to indicate to the horrible posters.

"Auditions for the Wizard of Oz we thought your girlfriend and our mutual friend here." Theresa slaps a hand on my shoulder causing me to wince. "Sister, opps sorry, step-sister."

I roll my eyes; don't remind me that Selina Moore is my monster relative and head cheerleader. As well as an impressive resume of...

"Cammy, hey babe, what are you doing talking to these losers?" Speak of the deviless and she shall appear. Perfect coifed blond hair bounces with each jump as she wraps tanned strangling wires around his neck. A huge wet kiss leaves drool and the ideal mark of bright pink lipstick on his cheek. Selina should learn to push up her shirt as it falls down to expose the abundance of cleavage and she tries to pick the shortest skirts ever.

Wanted: Cinderella (book 1 of the wanted fairy tales series)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant