Phase Five: Death of the Five-Point Plan

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Nico confronts Bianca about her treatment of Will.


Word Count: 2222
Content Warning: None

I'M SORRY THIS ONE IS SO SHORT! It's another one of those "CH 14 & 15 were meant to be a single chapter but it was too long" things. I promise none of them will be this short again, but, hey, I did say each chapter would be between 2K and 3K and this one IS above 2K.

And all the characters are owned by Rick Riordan.

Credits at the end.

I'm going to quickly cover Luke before I focus on the real meat of the story.

Hey! Why do you get to tell it?!

You want to talk about Luke?

No, I meant the other stuff.

Because you weren't there for half of it, Nico, that's why.

So you jump in when I wasn't there.

Or you could jump in when you feel like you need to say something? You're good at that.

*fake crying* I thought if anyone wouldn't make fun of me, it would be my own sister!

Tell it to the judge.

Ha! Accidental courtroom pun. That segways nicely.

The last week of May, Luke got his sentence. He took a plea deal, and, in exchange for giving the police information about the Titans, he only got fourteen months. They also agreed to put him in a prison in Los Angeles where Thalia was close enough to visit him.

I know what you're thinking: "He was going to commit armed robbery, how could they only give him a little over a year?" Well, they couldn't prove beyond a shadow of a doubt that it was going to be armed robbery, even if it's pretty likely. Plus he was blackmailed (we found out later Kronos threatened to kill Thalia if things didn't go well) and he never actually committed the robbery, so they could only be charged with attempted robbery. So when you look at it like that, fourteen months isn't as unreasonable as you might think.

Bianca... no one cares.

Is it so wrong to wrap up the subplots before we get to the main stuff?

Subplots? You're talking about the worst year of our lives like some psychotic sadist wrote the whole thing.

Yeah, well, for one year our life turned into a movie, so I'm going to use those words.

So, Luke went to prison, and we explained before what eventually happened to Thalia, so that's two subplots that were wrapped up by May: Jason and Thalia. That left Hazel and, of course, Nico and me. To put it like a movie would, my day of reckoning had arrived, and it was not going to be a pretty sight.

Sounds about right.

I was in my room, playing Sims 3 on my computer--because it's way better than Sims 4--when Nico threw open the door.

"What the fuck, Bianca?!" he yelled.

I spun my desk chair around. It's one of the turny chairs. I know he was yelling at me, but I was still calm because I knew that it was the best way to help Nico. He got angry a lot, and I'd gotten used to yelling. I knew he never meant it.

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