Let All the Ships Come True

779 41 108


The Valentine's Day dance.


Word Count: 2358
Content Warning: None

Sorry I'm posting so late, but... um, yeah, I have no excuse except I was out late drinking with my friends on Monday. Soooooooo... yeah.

Yeah, I know this one's super short. But this chapter and last week's were supposed to be one chapter, but then I had to split them up, yada, yada, yada.

And all the characters are owned by Rick Riordan.

Credits at the end.

"What do you mean, Octavian's blackmailing Hazel?" I asked Frank and Reyna. I was stunned. I'd suspected something was off about their relationship, but blackmail? This was high school, not a James Bond movie!

"I know it sounds crazy," Reyna said, "but hear us out. You don't know Octavian like we do. He's not a nice guy."

"Not nice how?" I asked.

"Power-hungry," she answered. "He wanted to be class president, but he lost to me every year in middle school. He got smart and ran for secretary this time so he'd have some power over student council. He's been trying to undermine my authority and sabotage me the entire year. He's bitter. It's been frustrating, but mostly harmless until he got Hazel involved."

"Okay," I said slowly, "but you guys seriously think he'd blackmail Hazel into dating him over that stupid grudge? That's insane."

"I know," Frank replied. "Reyna didn't believe me either, at first. But I have proof. I got this the first week of school." He showed me a screenshot of an anonymous text on his phone.


          Stay away from Hazel Levesque or I'll make you pay.

          I know you asked her out tonight. Break up with her or I'll make your life a living hell.

          273 Maple St.
          Everton, CA

"Is that your address?" I asked.

"No," Frank said, "it's Reyna's. I told Hazel I changed my mind. I didn't want Reyna to get hurt, and whoever it was could've been dangerous."

I handed him his phone back. "Why didn't you tell Hazel you were being threatened?" I asked. "You know, a lot of people wouldn't get their hearts broken if they just used their goddamn words."


I might've been talking from experience.

Bianca stop looking at me like that.

Stop looking at me!


Frank looked down. Reyna cut in, "Because we thought it was you. You've got a reputation, Nico. We knew from Hazel's stories how much you hated her, even if she didn't frame it like that. And Frank asked her out at Bianca's party, in your house, where you could've easily overheard. We thought you wanted to hurt her as revenge over her mom. But she was so determined to have a relationship with you; she'd never've believed us."

"When you guys made up at Thanksgiving, and she was suddenly dating Octavian, I realized it was him," Frank continued. "Hazel's popular in our grade; everyone likes her. She's a great artist and writer. She helped Reyna and me campaign, and was a big reason why we ended up winning. Octavian knew it, too. If they were dating, she'd have to help him in this year's race. Maybe he'd even make her his vice for the extra popularity."

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