Chapter Fifteen: The Final Death

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Ukraine's POV
Belarus and I have been talking about Estonia's death all day. She said Kazakhstan had talked to her ghost but I don't believe her. "Anyway heard anything from Mum and Dad?" she asked. Weird question to ask but what should I answer, all they had been doing is sending pieces of paper that say 'Don't give up, you'll be fine, they still care' it's a bit weird but I'm used to it. "They haven't spoke to me in a while bela, now can you please go home." I asked in the nicest tone I can do at the moment. She looked at me offended, I personally think she might have a mental Illness that makes her emotions really strong, mabye Autism. "I am your sister and your telling me to leave." She said. All I need to do is to make smart comeback to that. "Okay Mum, no need to tell me off." I smirked. I knew she would never answer back to that so she did leave, but I also know she's coming back eventually, so I'm ready.

Belarus' POV
How annoying do I think my brother is on a scale of 1 to 10, he's a big solid TEN. I get home and look for Rus and Kaz but I can't find them. Kaz then comes out of his room, he looks upset. "Kaz what happened, wheres Rus?" I asked him. He looked at me, he went to the couch and gestured me to sit with him. "Rus is in the toilet, meanwhile I'm scared for my dear life." he said. Russia come out and gives his brother a hug to try and calm him down. "Go and get some rest Kaz, you need it." Russia suggested. Kaz nods and goes to his room. "I wonder why he's scared, I feel bad for him." I say. Russia nods in agreement.

Kazakhstan's POV
I lie in bed trying to sleep but there is no hope. "You okay kaz?" A voice asks me. I look over and see Estonia, wearing her usual dress with her flag design on it. "Hay est, why can't you visit Ukraine for once?" I ask her. She pulls me up from my bed and looks me in the eyes. "Listen to me Kaz, the person killing people close to your future siblings in laws won't stop until one of the two are dead, but if they die both siblings survive, so you, Russia and Canada should look for this guy." She spoke seriously. I nod nervous about what might happen if they get one of them. She smiles, waves then leaves. I go back out into the living room. "Do you guys want to go for a walk?" I ask Bela and my Bro. They both nod and get their jackets.

It was quite a peaceful walk and we enjoyed. We started heading home but I kept feeling that someone was following us. Next thing I know someone pulls me into an ally with a knife and I can see a gun in his pocket. I think this might be my time, I wish not but it probably is.

Belarus' POV
Russia pushed the man holding the knife away from Kaz but they pulled out a gun and shot Russia in the leg. I run in and stood in front of the boys. "Leave them alone." I shout at them. They laugh, and then hold me down. "You fool, your the one I'm after." They say Raising the blade. I close my eyes ready for my fate. I then hear gasps from Rus and Kaz. I open my eyes to see the worst thing that happened in my life.

Months later, I'm going to the graveyard for a funeral. I look at who's there, I see all the members of the Soivet Union who are still here, I see Poland, Switzerland, Austria, Finland, Hungary, Belgium, Luxembourg, America, Australia, Britain, and many more. After the whole service I go and see one person in particular, Canada. "Hello there Canada." I say. She looks at me, her eyes are tierd looking and you can see tear marks on her face. "Sorry about my tears, I just can't stop crying, hard to go to a funeral for five different people who I was very close to." she tells me. I nod in agreement. "I may have not known two of them but I still respect them." I tell her. We both look down at the five graves in order the poor souls died.
Germany, got stabbed.
Estonia, shot down.
New Zealand and Papua New guinea, Suicide
And the best person in the world, the one who saved my life.
My Brother, Ukraine.

No one's POV

Things eventually got better.

Canada soon made more friends but always remembered her old ones.

Aus and Ame talk to New Zealand's ghost, and they still joke with each other, especially about Ame's boyfriend Mexico.

Kazakhstan moved into his own house and his new roommate is Canada, but he's starting to grow feelings for the Canadian girl.

In heaven, things are going alright as well.

New Zealand is feeling bad for what he did, but he still thinks the world's better without him.

Germany likes seeing others happy when they come here, and he still tries to keep in touch with his family but it's hard for heaveners and dwellers to talk to each other.

Estonia met her little brother who was born dead but grew up in heaven and she loves talking with her father.

Ukraine stayed with his family for the first couple of weeks but then moved onto something else.

"Hay bela, how ya been?" He asked his sister. She smiled at him and answered, "I'm doing good, so is Rus, Kaz and Belssia." a little girl came into the room and ran to Ukraine. "Uncle!" She shouted. Ukraine hugged his neice. "How's little Lisa?" he asked the girl. "I'm good uncle key." they both laughed. "YO, Ukraine come on, Ger and Nada are waiting for us." Estonia called. "Coming! Bye sis." he said. "See ya Bro."
"Sorry we're late." Estonia said. "No worries, just sit down." Germany told them. They all sat, talked and watched the sun set.
'My afterlife is way better than I expected.'

The End
1053 words, I hope you enjoyed my shitty story, with all the depressing stuff and murder and all that good stuff.

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