Chapter Seven: What Have I done

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Belarus POV
It's only been three days since Ukraine moved and I miss him, even if he was being a jerk. I go into the living room to see if anyone was there but I was all alone. Almost everyone moved out it was just me, Russia, Kazakhstan and Estonia when she comes back from hospital. "Bela, are you okay?" Kazakhstan asked me from behind. "Uh, yeah, I'm fine, slightly, ugh I don't know." I tell him. Before kaz could respond there was a slam from the front door. We go to check what was happening and we saw Ukraine trying to keep Russia sturdy. "Take a guess at who got drunk." my brother said almost getting squished by the Russian. "Oh ThInK i kNoW, iT wAs Me!" Russia shouted, he seemed to be happy... I guess. Kazakhstan takes Russia off Ukraine and takes him upstairs. "So, uh, how's your house with Germany?" I ask my older brother. He didn't respond for a couple of seconds, I was worried. "Oh, sorry, I was just having a weird day dream, its been good, the house is good." he replied. There was an awkward silence for a while, but then I noticed that Ukraine had a locket on. "Hay bro, where'd you get that locket?" I asked him. He took the locket off and opened it showing me the picture inside. "Take a guess sis." he tells me. It had a picture of our parents, him and me when I was a baby. I feel tears starting to form in my eyes just by looking at it, because I knew that I had one as well. "Look I wish I could stay longer sis but I have an interview today so I got to go." He said. I wave goodbye to him and sit in the kitchen. I look out the window to see Russia running away from the house with Kazakhstan flying to try and catch him, but soon they where deep in the wood's. Just me now alone in the house all by myself. "I say we talk to her about her problems before she grows depression like Ukraine." a female voice said that I somehow recognise. "Are you crazy, SHE'LL HATE US!" Said a male yet squeaky voice. I go to see what the hell these people are doing in my house only to be shocked.
I saw my mother and father both standing in the hallway, they must have been talking about me. "Uh hun, Belarus is watching us." my father said. My mother turned around almost in tears, she ran up to me and gave me a hug very similar to Ukraine's rare hugs. "You've grown so much." she told me. My father started looking around but he didn't look to happy.
"So you forgot us" father said.
"W-what I didn't forget about you guys, your my fam-" I tried to tell him but the he interrupted me saying. "THEN WHY ARE WE HERE!" I stay silent for a minute, tears start forming in my eyes but I refuse to let them fall. "I like it here and I get along with the Russian family, I got so caught up in that, I forgot about you two." I confessed. He looked out the window and saw Kazakhstan coming back. "We have to go, daughter, please don't forget again." mother said before disappearing. I start crying, I can't stop, I need them, I need my brother. "BELARUS ARE YOU OKAY!" Kazakhstan Shouts noticing that I was crying. "Y-Yeah I'm fine, how's Russia?" I ask. Before kaz could speak Russia shout from the kitchen. "I'M FINE AND SOBER, BUT I CAN'T MOVE WITHOUT PEOPLE DRAGGING ME." I laugh at the fact and go to help him.

Kazakhstan's POV
I'm worried for Belarus, she's been acting strange alot, I just hopes she's okay. I hear a knock on the door and I go and answer it to see a stressed Ukraine. "I need to talk to Belarus." he tells me.
"Okay, come in."

676 words

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