Part V, Chapter 9: Of Unholy Fear

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Felix was wary when he initially received the red note in his pile of mail, but assumed it must have been for good reason. It was from Iago: a beckon, to come to the church as soon as possible. Alone.

It had been a good month since the funeral, and the moving of Ophelia to her final resting place. It was a terrible thing for him, living without her. There was no public lover to accompany the king, nor was there that special friend to call upon in a time of need. There was no lioness shoulder to cry on, nor any soothing feline voice to calm him.

Cameron saw, and learned, how the queen would live with her husband. How she would talk to him, how she would act around him, and how they would go about their daily lives. Thus, where Ophelia would normally be, Cameron made sure he was right there, extra helpful when Felix needed it.

The two slept together without worry of secrecy. It was a liberating feeling, for Felix to sleep with his collie husband like this, and to be able to wake up next to him. The one he truly loved was right in his arms, each and every morning, and by his side during the day as well. It was a secret that was hard to keep, now, and the attempts to keep it weren't so effortful anymore. This was especially evident with the fact that Cameron never seemed to take off the ring, given to him by the late Queen in her last moments, and that Felix still wore his own.

"Cameron?" Marco at one point barked softly, catching Cameron as he walked out the door during one of these late summer nights.

"Ah. Yes, Marco?" the collie turned his head to ask, a little surprised by the wolf's sudden presence.

"I've really been meaning to ask you something," Marco replied. "Every night, you get up and leave, and lately you've not even come back 'til breakfast. I'd always wondered where you've gone, but I did notice you were in bed with him the morning the Queen died. And something more," the lupine continued.

"What is it?" Cameron asked, a little embarrassed now. He figured Marco already knew.

"Well, that's Ophelia's wedding ring, isn't it? You've been wearing it since she died. And I know she gave it to you." Marco took a breath. "I can put two and two together, Cameron."

"I thought you already did. It's much more than an affair," Cameron admitted. "Ophelia gave this to me because she knew Felix loved me. He does, Marco. We first confessed earlier this summer, when we went to Venetia."

"And how do you know he's true?" Marco asked. "That he's not just using you?"

"Because he means it," Cameron stated. "He knows I love him back. Every day he tells me how much I mean to him, and he gave me the ring," he finished. "He calls me his husband."

"No church could ever grant you that," Marco sighed.

"I don't need a church," the collie replied.

"No church could ever grant me and Lætitia a marriage, either," the wolf sniffed a little, smiling. "Sir Cameron, you're a brave soul and a good husband."

"Thank you. Thank you, Marco," Cameron smiled, a happy tear running down his cheek. "I knew it. I knew you'd understand this all. Please, don't tell anyone of this matter," he then said. "Nobody more than Lætitia."

"On my honor, Cameron," Marco nodded as he answered. "On my good honor."

They briefly embraced, but the wolf remembered the feeling of it, to be in the presence of this knightly spirit, more than ever evident. Cameron, then, left down the hall.

"Your Highness," Iago greeted with a solemn look. "I see that you have received the note I wrote, those few days ago."

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