Part II, Chapter 2: Go Swiftly With You

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It was still with uncertainty that Felix got ready to tell Ophelia about the decision he had made last week. He swished his tail as he sat at the dinner table, digging into a roasted chicken breast.

"You seem uneasy," Marco commented observingly.

"I very much am, Marco," the King acknowledged.

"How come, dear?" Ophelia wondered aloud in response to the both of them, looking over to her husband.

The lion sighed, and explained as he still ate; "I am taking a small group of armed men to the portion of Africa directly southwest, to assess the situation there," he described. "Their commander shall be Sir Afon, one of Cambria's most noble knights. What actions we will take, I fear are still uncertain," he put it simply. "It is complicated, for sure."

"You're going with? Are you sure?" Ophelia worriedly said.

"They need my word. I will remain safe, regardless of any actual fighting that may occur," Felix assured.

"Please, do!" the Queen sighed, looking saddened by the news.

"What's wrong? Oh, Ophelia, will you miss me?" Felix guessed, sorrow also arriving to his majestic face.

"I will, indeed," Ophelia sighed, leaning over to make a slight reach for the wine. "To run the kingdom while you're gone will be a lot, too. But yours is a kingly duty, I know, and mine will be that of a queen," she seemed to reluctantly accept.

"You will not be alone in such an endeavor. I find His Holiness Iago to be a good advice-giver when it comes to that," Felix smiled as he described. Iago indeed had consulted him with varied smaller duties as of late, however much he hated to admit it.

"What's all the talk about, now?" Cameron asked, walking into the dining room. "What endeavor? What?"

"The King is leaving for Africa," Marco explained, "to assess some sort of situation."

"I will run the Kingdom with Iago's assistance while Felix is away," Ophelia nodded.

As the collie heard this, he drooped his ears. "You're leaving, Felix?"

This question, in such a whining tone, and partnered with such a sorrowful expression from the dog, made the King widen his blue eyes. "My my, Cameron, what are you so saddened for? It'll be a short affair, I'll come back when the leaves are still gold upon these trees," he declared.

"You're sure?" Cameron looked up.

Ophelia raised an eyebrow. "Cameron, hey. I'll still be here! Things will be like usual."

Cameron silently disagreed with the Queen's words, the ones that attempted to comfort him, as he ate at his small plate. He knew that, without Felix around, there would be something direly missing. Ophelia and Marco would still be around, that much was true, but he knew that this... somehow wouldn't be enough.

"Let me go with you," Cameron proposed.

"Hmmh? Go with me?" the kingly lion tried to repeat, before chuckling. "Mmm, no. You serve the Queen. That means you stay with her."

"A-And I think that's what I'd prefer," Ophelia followed up quickly. "I think it would be best if you stayed behind. I love your company, and your music, Cameron, and... oh, this kind of expedition isn't exactly safe!"

"Also true," Felix noted.

Cameron huffed frustratedly, scratching at his cheek a little. "Fine." This was all he said, as he then took a few more bites, and then slowly got up.

"Cam?" Marco barked softly, wondering if his fellow canid friend was alright.

"Just leave me alone for a bit," the dog instructed, his voice wavering. then, he quickly went out the doors of the dining room.

"Goodness, he took that hard," Ophelia said. "I wish I knew why."

"Me too," Marco sighed, as he took another helping of the chicken.

Felix remained quiet.

That was one of the strangest encounters that Felix ever went through. He thought about denying Cameron the chance to travel along with him, but stood by his decision, trying to think of all the reasons why it was just. He ran over these reasons in his washing-tub. It was dangerous! It was lengthy! The poor dog would either be killed, or bored to death!

And yet, as he got into bed next to Ophelia, he couldn't help but wonder.

"Do you really think he would miss me that much?" Felix asked.

"Stop worrying over it," the lioness suggested.

"Why do you think so?" Felix asked, again.

"I... Jesus, I don't know. Let me sleep," Ophelia replied.

"Maybe he just wanted to travel, that's got to be the reason," the awake King considered.

"Maybe I just want to rest," Ophelia growled.

"My apologies," Felix mewled, realizing how much of a nuisance he must have been to his wife.

"Just come closer. Sleep," the Queen urged, as her partner followed command, and slid softly over.

"Goodnight," they both said, being the last words they shared for the night.

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