Part IV, Chapter 7: Lovers In Venice

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"Breakfast is ready, Senyor Cameron," one of the other knights said, knocking on the door, caring not to look inside, though he let out a chuckle.

Cameron, at first not remembering the retrospectively delirious events that went down last night, fluttered his eyes open. He looked around, at the room he took last night, and struggled to recall what happened. Something important.

Ah, forget it. He turned back over into his blanket, which was unusually soft. And fuzzy. And warm, and breathing.

The collie jolted awake, eyes widening. He now recalled everything. This was no dream. Everything? Yes, everything. Nothing further happened between him and King Felix than a kiss and a shared bare sleeping, but that was still so much! His heart pounded as he looked at the lion he slept with, and at everything his regal body could offer for the eyes.

The royal lion, after a few minutes, leaned up, and yawned, stretching his arms, and fiddling with his whiskers a bit... before looking over, and finding his trusted collie knight beside him. He had a similar recollection and revelation, flinching and putting his hand over his mouth. The lion blushed strongly, his heart racing.

"Felix?" Cameron asked.

"Yes?" the King replied.

"Did last night really happen?" the collie whined cautiously, still unsure.

Felix thought a bit. "I wonder that myself, it felt so dreamy. It was something that I think we'd been holding back a long time, though, if I'm right in saying that," he answered.

"Can we do it again?" Cameron of course asked eagerly, his tail going as fast as it had the night before, and with other things of his stirring at the same time.

"We should get up, before anything," the King huffed, getting to his feet. He was, of course, naked, and he saw the collie was, too, staring only for a moment before getting back to the situation at hand. "Now. I have an idea."

"What?" Cameron asked sweetly.

"We should spend the day together. Just to see if our connection is really there," Felix explained. "Tell absolutely no one, when we do," he then emphasized, perhaps a little loudly. He said it like his life depended on it, which, for all he knew, may have been the case.

"Alright, Felix," the canine nodded quickly. He hopped out of bed, and stretched.

Felix seemed to stare for a few moments at the slim collie frame, admiring. "At least put some clothes on, quickly," he then grumbled, looking away. "I musn't think of such things at the moment."

"Oh," Cameron huffed in such flattery, and indeed put his clothes on. He also took another good look at the body of his King. It was nicely muscled, but not pronouncedly so, with it being evident he was a lounging lion instead of an active one. Cameron couldn't stare too long, either, and finished dressing.

"Cameron?" Felix now said softly, both sentimentally and fearfully.

"Yes?" Cameron replied.

"I love you," the lion said again. It lifted his heart to Heaven to finally be able to say it, and Cameron seemed greatly affected in the same way.

"I love you too," this dog answered, with the largest smile he'd ever given.

"Just act natural. Like nothing happened. Until my say-so. I'm starving," Felix now said, "and I can already smell whatever they're making down there."

Breakfast was thankfully uneventful, but wonderful nonetheless, as the chefs of the inn made a hearty meal. Wonderful fare, but there was, for the first time in a while, something a hell of a lot more exciting to think about for Cameron than the current eating.

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