Part IV, Chapter 9: The Vacation's Remainder

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The freshly-risen sun shone in the window of the room. All was warm in the early summer mornings of Venetia. The soft noise of the people started to fill the air once again, only a background noise in the otherwise serene room.

Felix woke up, as the light finally crept over his face. He took a breath, and looked at the ceiling, collecting his consciousness. Vacation, Venetia... oh, Cameron. The king found the collie in his arms, sleeping just as softly as he himself had been a few moments before. He waited for a good while, finding such a specific joy in watching what he knew was his new lover's slumber.

"Cameron... hey," he mewled after this time.

The dog stirred, and blinked his eyes open. "Felix, what—" he began to ask, initially unaware, but then remembered, a smile blossoming on his face. "Ah, of course."

"Are you tired from the night?" Felix inquired.

"A little," the dog answered. "Well-rested, though."

"Before you try to walk," the lion chortled, then pulled the canine closer, "come here. I love you."

They held each other for a bit, and softly kissed, but knew that the new day would be just as sweet to enjoy. They got dressed, with the door still locked, then, after vowing once again to not tell anyone about anything, stepped out to have breakfast.

What's safe to say is that the collie often found his legs quaking, during the days of enjoying this pure Venetian paradise. Aside from this inconvenience, of which once caused him to trip while getting off a gondola, the days passed much like the one before: eating, lazing in the boats, and walking around, seeing what there was to see, with their only care in the world being for their own shared moment.

Presently, the night fell over Venetia's shore again. The way it reduced all things, no matter how bright or splendorous, to soft shades of blue and black, reminded the world that days pass, and night must compliment each of them. Such a process was treasured, there, as it is in all the wonderful nations.

Tomorrow was to be the last day of the retreat. The knights knew nothing, surely, nor did they dare to ask if they noticed any strange inconsistency or occurrence. Each night that week, Felix had gotten up from his own bed, and snuck along to Cameron's, where they did, indeed, what lovers do. The bed was shaken, and the sheets were ruffled and oft ruined, with the love they made. The snuggles were warm, though, and the sleep was the greatest they'd ever had.

"My love," Felix said, in a bit of a hush, during this final day here. "I think I've got a plan."

"Hm? To stay forever?" Cameron laughed. "I'm kidding. You know I'd like to see the castle again, soon, especially in a new light."

"Something special for the last day," Felix explained. "Just to get the point across. Unless—" he stopped for a second, sighing.

"What is it, Felix?" the dog asked.

"You explained what you were afraid of, last night. But here's my own question. Are you doing this because you love me, or because I'm your king and you're afraid to say no?" Felix explained his own fear with this question.

"I've never been afraid of you. I'd have left on my own accord, long before now, if I was, if I ever didn't like you. I've only been concerned for me and, since we've been on such better terms, concerned for you," the collie answered. "I love you. I knew it since when we kissed, and well before we even left Valentia, even."

"You sweetheart. Come here," the lion whined in warm gratitude, and held the soft-fuzzed dog closer.

"It's perfect," Cameron remarked, looking in the mirror at the jeweler's.

"A little ornate, even for a nobleman, wouldn't you say, Your Highness?" this jeweler remarked, eyeing the gold necklace the dog was trying out.

"It's perfect," Felix repeated his collie's statement, fishing out a few extra coins to offer as a tip.

"Why, yes! It's perfect," the jeweler repeated as well, and earned this tip as a bonus.

The secret lovers stepped out, and Cameron looked down at his new token, the thick-chained, sparkling necklace he wore.

"It looks so good on you!" the king softly remarked, not to raise suspicion. "Though nobody could wear it and look the same, of course," he then assured.

"You lift my heart so easily," the collie stated.

"Keep this close," Felix stated. "But keep me closer."

"I promise," the dog stated.

The average man and woman in Venice would have kissed right about now, but Cameron and Felix had to keep themselves to soft gazes, as they stepped into another boat. They stepped into a lot of boats that day, as the people of Venetia often do. However, the time finally came when it was time to step into a much more important boat, being the same one they arrived on. How differently their hearts were set, now.

The night started to fall again, and the lagomorph duke, happy that his domain gave his friend so pleasant of a time, bade the King farewell, waving along with the others as the Valentians departed.

It was in no time at all that the two then slept on their grand ship, the vessel itself rocking too much with a mild storm to really do anything else.

"Hhf... I always feel a bit dizzy when this happens," the lion explained.

"It's alright," Cameron comforted. "I'm right here."

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