Chapter 5

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"I think we lost it!", I said panting between words. Suddenly a bears roar echoed through the forest. "Not yet.", Frederick said enthusiastically. It seemed as if he enjoyed it. We ran faster and faster until we couldn't breath. Finally we could no longer hear the bear so we stopped to eat what food we had left. It had been more than 3 weeks at least since the last time we were in a safe house. The bear found us by the scent of our food. We dropped it and ran, but the bear stopped. It looked at our food and started to eat it. I suddenly realized that this was our chance to run. I turned to Frederick and said "we run now or get eaten later." He nodded and we both sprinted as fast as we were physically able. That was the second closest encounter we would ever have with a bear. The first would happen in a few weeks. But I should stay on track. It was almost dark and we had no food or water. We went search through small villages trying to stay on the trail. We eventually found a house with a candle in the window. I decided I would knock this time since I'd never done this before. I knocked on the door and I hear a low raspy voice. "Who's there?", his voice was creepy. I almost walked from the door but I got up the courage and said "Friend of a friend." The door immediately opened and a man stood there with a sinister smile and a pistol in his hand. "You thought we wouldn't catch on to your little safe house codes now would ya?" I found myself in the worst position in the world. The gun was pointing straight at me. I felt a gush of wind fly past me and the man was on the ground. Frederick had ran past me and knocked the stranger down. I heard a few gun shots and saw blood on the floor. I saw Frederick holding a gun. The man was on the ground dead. "Where did u get a gun!?!?!"

"I found it in one of the houses and snatched it up." I stared at him with astonishment. "You just shot and killed this man!"

"He was going to kill you. I'm sorry I saved your life. Next time I won't do anything!"

"No it's not that. It's just I didn't expect you to actually kill someone."

"Don't you remember when I killed that catcher?" I looked at him and started thinking about that. I had forgotten. "Ok, let's just get out of here before someone else does."

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