Chapter 2

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When I awoke, I had realized that it was mid-morning. I wondered why no one had woken me up. So I just got up and walked out the door.

What I saw would make the average man scream in fear the instance they saw it. That was exactly what I did. The whole plantation was on fire. In the corner I saw the master and his wife hanging by the neck from a burning tree. All the slaves were running and screaming as the plantation burned down. Suddenly Frederick ran up to me. "Come on, let's get outta here before we burn down too!". I didn't want to leave everyone else behind but I knew that I would die if I stayed, so I went with Frederick.

 We ran as fast as we could. As soon as we were about a mile away the whole plantation collapsed. I could see the blazing fires from where I was standing. I finally said something to Frederick. "What the hell happened!?!"

"Me and a few other men decided to escape, so we burned the crops as a distraction. That started a huge riot and somewhere in the middle of all of this some slaves captured the master and his wife and hung them on a burning tree."

"Why would you do such damned thing?"

"It was time we earned our rights. And we'll do this by using the underground railroad and make our way to Canada."

I stood there wondering wether I should go with him. Then I decided that I again had no other choice. "Alright, but on one condition. You tell me what you're planing to do before you do it that way I'm prepared for it."

"Okay. Now all we have to do is hide until night then find a house with a candle in the front window. Then we knock on the door and use the code words, which are friend of a friend. Do i need to explain it in more detail, or did you understand my plan?", Frederick asked sarcastically.

"No, I understand. How did you find this out?"

"I just listened to the romurs spreading around the plantation and pieced it together. lets hope I'm right.".

That's what annoyed me about Frederick. he always worried me. I never knew if I should trust what he said. But he always ended being right. Then again, there is always a first for everything.

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