Chapter 9

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"You better be thinkin' yourself lucky you ain't dead. that catcher back there is called Black Heart Samuel. He wasn't gonna collect ya and sell ya'll. He was 'bout to kill you."

"Thank you so much. without your help, we'd be slaughtered like a pig." It had been only a few hours since Jackson, the man with the rock, had saved us and taken us to his house. "Well it ain't no problem. I'd rather have killed him, but I'd be in a prison by now. That guy had friends in high places."

We'd thanked him countless times for saving our lives, then he had offered us to sleep in the barn next to the house, for he thought it would be the safest place for us to hide. I had sure hoped so...

Frederick and I took four bales of hay and made our selves a small , somewhat comfortable "bed". it reminded me of the plantation, how the beds felt and what they looked like. Simple but just enough to fall asleep on. Then again, I had fallen asleep on hard floor, so anything was comfortable enough to sleep on.

My dream that night was one I will never forget. I was walking down a path in a forest at about midnight. I was looking for something, yet I knew not what it was, only that I would know if I saw it. As I searched through clearings, bushes, trees, and thick foliage, I heard someone (or something) moving towards me. I didn't hear foot steps, only a slight breeze blowing low and quite across the forest ground. It came closer, and the closer it came to me, the colder and weaker I felt. It was almost right before this thing was in sight that I saw what I was looking for. It was Frederick. Before I could react, the thing gliding toward me, or now us, was in clear sight, only five feet from me. It was human like thing with a long, black cloak that dragged on the ground as it moved. It was carrying a farming tool called a scythe, but I didn't believe he was a farmer. It was that moment that I realized that I was staring into the eyes of death. but for some reason I knew he wasn't there for me. He was here for my best friend. But I wouldn't let him take the only person in the world that was like family. I fought as hard as I could to make death glide off, but he was a persistent one, and he wouldn't back down. Finally, Fredrick spoke. "Please don't try to fight death, if you don't quit now he'll take both of us. I don't want you to not make it. If death comes to me, i'll greet him as an old acquaintance. But please Ben, don't fight my battle against him."

I realized he was right, so I said my goodbyes, and let Frederick walk with death back down the path.

When I awoke I was surprised to not see anything bad. Frederick was still asleep, so I went up to Jackson's house by myself. "Good morning Benjamin. I do hope you found yourself comfy."

"Why yes sir, I did."

"Now now, you needn't call me sir, just call me Jackson."

His words shocked me and it took me a few seconds to respond with a stutter. "Good morning, J-Jackson."

"Good morning."

"I don't mean to be bothersome, but would you happen to know what state we're in?"

"Why of course. this fine state here is Michigan. now I suppose you'll be headin' north toward Canada."

"Yes sir- er, Jackson."

"Well, I suppose you'll be needin' some supplies. I can get you some meat, bread, water, and directions."

"Thank you Jackson."

"Now for directions, you'll wanna had north, that'd be in the direction of behind this here house. get downtown and there'll be a shop called Harold's ink supplies. go in and ask for Harold. when you see Harold, tell him Jackson Tyler sent ya. He'll give you the time a train for Canada is coming. when the train stops at the station, get in the livestock cart. It should be the fifth cart down. That train should take you straight into Canada, and freedom. Now go wake your friend out there in the barn."

As walked toward the barn, I heard something slither and suddenly a loud scream. I began running toward the barn, hoping that what I thought was a lie. it wasn't. Frederick was laying in the blood soaked hay with multiple bite marks across his neck, arms, and head..

"Oh God no!!! Frederick no!!!!"

Fredrick looked at me, with sadness in his eyes. "Funny, out of all the things that've happened, I never would've thought that it would be a snake that finally got me." he chuckled, which made him choke on blood for a second.

"Frederick no!!! Don't do this to me!! not when we're this close! I just need to put some pressure on it!! I'll call for help! JACKSON PLEASE HELP!!!!" I heard his footsteps coming closer. "What happened? Oh my god!!"

"Please do something!!! He's dying!!!"

"All we could do is apply pressure, but that'll only add a few more minutes. the venom'll spread like wild fire in his body. I'm afraid there's nothing else to do."

"NO!!!!!! This can't be happening!!!! Frederick please!!!!!!!!!!!"

Frederick began to speak, but he rapidly got weaker with every word. "B-Ben. Listen. You m-must k-keep going.. I n-need y-you to promise me t-to not die. K-keep going on and d-don't st-top till you g-get there."

"I promise." Tears were drenching my face.

"Your my only family B-Ben, and your my best friend, if both of us die, then this journey will have been for nothing. Please, k-keep going."

His final breath was released in what felt like an hour.

"I promise..."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 07, 2015 ⏰

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