Chapter 8

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We were way behind our plan, and that was just the beginning. Me and Frederick had been going on the trails north for about five days. No, wait maybe four, or six. I lost count. Ever since we got bad directions we've just been trudging along the trail. We've gotten lucky that no wild animals have come our way. There was some food on the paths. A couple of small squirrels would suffice for a day or two, depending on our luck. We found a creek on our way and stopped to fill up. I'd like to say the rest of the way to Canada was an easy task. But I can't.

At times I doubted the choice I made to come along. I wondered what would happen if I'd stayed on the plantation. We'd probably still be there, working, talking, laughing. sometimes i would wish that was the the case...

frederick and i thought it to be smart to sleep in a cave, but first we checked to make sure nothing already vaccated it. only a few mice and bats. The only issue was our beds were made of rocks and dirt, but I was, able to fall asleep very fast due to my extreme exhaustion.

We slept till about noon, which gave me the sleep I needed. When I awoke I came to find that Frederick was gone. I looked all around for him but couldn't find any traces from him. It was an hour or so before I found anything. It was a note. He wrote,

" Dear Benjamin,

I have gone to find more water for I've used the last of what we had on a cut I got from my "bed". Might as well catch us some fish for supper while at it, is I should be gone for a few hours.



I thought this to be quite strange, because he would never leave alone for anything. Yet I blew it off and just waited. A few hours past. It was almost dark and he had yet to show. I decided to finally look for him. I was worried something had happened to him. He could be dead for all I knew.

It became dimmer as the sun faded past the land and the stars began shimmering. I needed to find Frederick fast. the sun was completely vanished from sight and all that was left was the moon, just sitting there in it's emptiness and gloom. It seemed as though I had been searching for days yet it was only a few hours. I began to worry even more. All of a sudden I saw a figure walking in my direction.

My mind immediately thought it was Frederick, but as usual, things turned for the worst. It was another catcher. By now I'd had enough of this bullshit. I charged at him with full speed, which caught him off guard. As we fell, his gun fell from his holster. Both of us had noticed this. Right after I landed I rolled away in the direction of the weapon in an attempt to grab it. The catcher had the same idea, and he was much faster. He grabbed the gun right before I snatched it. He pointed it at me as he said "You little niggers don't deserve to be free. And as long as I'm around you won't be. Now you better come with me and join your little friend over there or I'll blow your brains all over the ground!" as I got up I realized that this was the end. All of this was for nothing. I would be resold and be working again. Frederick wouldn't even be sold to the same owner more than likely. I'd probably die on the plantation. I kept thinking "It's all over". We walked toward his wagon, but suddenly he stopped looked down just to the left of the wagon with the most puzzled face. I looked right at what he was but all I saw was a net, probably to keep me from escaping the wagon as we drove. I hadn't the slightest idea of what he was so confused about. "Where the hell did he go?"

"Right here!" Out of nowhere this loud thump came from behind the catcher, and he just fell. I looked to see what had happened. Someone had knocked out the catcher. But who? When I looked at their face I saw a white man.

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