Chapter 7

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"Frederick slow down! I can't keep up."

"We'll do you want to die? If not, pick up the pace a little."

As usual, we were being chased. This time another catcher. Man, are those guys persistent. He didn't have a horse but he was pretty fast. I was barely ahead of him. All of a sudden I fall. My face smacks the ground with a loud thud. I scream for Frederick but the catchers already got me by the ankle. I quickly look behind me and see what tripped me. It was his whip. He must've thrown it under my feet. I tried to wiggle my way out of his grasp but he's clenching on tight. He ties me up with the whip then starts to run after Frederick. I couldn't move, but I wanted to help Frederick. I waited for the catcher to come back with Frederick unconscious when I heard movement, but that's not what was walking towards me. It was Frederick all by himself. He ran up to me and started to untie me. "How did you get away from him?", I asked after he untied me. "I just ran in a circle." We went back on our course but tried to not make any sounds as to not attract anymore catchers. "Well, that wasn't fun.", I said. As we walked north it started to become dark. I noticed the stars were out. Wait a minute, I thought. "Frederick, you know how we're following the northern star?"

"Yeah? What about it?", he asked, giving me a strange look. "Well it's not there."

"WHAT!?!" He looked up and it wasn't there. I looked behind us and there it was. In the other direction. "That man you were talking to this morning gave us the wrong path!"

"Great! Now we're behind where we should be!"

"We'll then we better get going. If we just stand here we won't get anywhere." So we started our way to the right path. We decided to follow only the star and not what people are telling us to do. It looked as though we would have a longer time getting to freedom.

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