The other end of the world

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Min Mi's POV:

Three months. Three months ago, I left my town and my country to put as much distance between a love that was supposed to be forever. But, who did I fool? Myself.

As much as I wanted to forget about him, the more the memories came back in waves, and I drowned every day. The worse about it was that J Hope probably hate me for disappearing from his life as I quickly as I entered. The truth, I believe, will be revealed someday, or at least, I hope so. And if not, he would remain the love of my life.

Life in Canada wasn't that bad. I made new friends here, and research take most of my time. I called my parents and Eun Ji almost every day, especially when the feeling of homesickness overwhelmed me.

J Hope's POV:

I drove to the coffee shop where Min Mi and I first met. What was I expecting to find here? She doesn't come here anymore. I entered the café and was greeted by the same waiter from when I used to come here regularly.

"Hello, can you help me, please?", I asked him. He looked confused for a second.

"Yes, if I can", he replied hesitantly.

"Uh... do you remember when I used to come here with a girl. We always sat at the table in the back. She's a regular here", I explained.

"Oh, yes, it seems like I remember. She always orders a latte whenever she comes", the waiter said. "I think her name is Lee Min Mi. Yes, she used to be a regular, but I haven't seen her in a while", he continued.

"Yes! Her. Do you happen to know where she lives or where I could find one of her friends? Please, it's urgent", I exclaimed.

"I only know that she goes to the nearby university. I think you can find her over there", he replied.

Why haven't I thought of this earlier?

"Thank you so much", I hurriedly said and left. It was already late, so I decided to go back home. I'll continue to search for her tomorrow.

I kept calling her as I drove home, but in vain as usual. As I pulled in the driveway, I saw that the manager's car was there. What is he doing here today?

I entered and walked directly towards the living room where everybody was obviously waiting for me.

I sat on a stool and waited for them to break the silence.

"Hoseok, in the name of everyone here present, I would like to apologize to you", the manager said.

"I can't believe you did that to me", I said and looked at each and every one. "You stole the love of my life from me and as much as it hurts me to say it, I don't know if I can forget you for the time being", I replied.

The members' nodded. "We understand", Jimin said.

"After all we've been through, I never doubted your trust and loyalty, but you betrayed me. How could you all hide this from me?", I argued.

"We were scared of losing you. When we got the phone call from the hospital, it really felt like my world was crumbling to pieces. We love you and we just acted out of fear. Please, forgive us", Taehyung said.

"No, I can't. This is too much to ask. And I don't trust any of you anymore. It hurts me to say it, but at this point, I no longer care about the group", I said as I walked to my room and slammed the door.

I showered and climbed on bed without having dinner. One thing was stuck on my mind: I needed to find her at all cost.

It was pointless to go to the university, I thought. Graduation was over, she may not be there anymore.

I decided to look for any of her social media accounts, but all the matches were wrong. She was completely wiped off from the Earth's surface. Instead, I looked for her best friend's. I might have more luck this time.

A hundred of matches were found and it took me 1 whole hour to find the right one. There was even a photo of Min Mi and her on her feed. My heart sank as I saw her picture. She looked so happy and carefree.

I messaged Eun Ji and waited impatiently for her reply.

I dozed off until I heard my phone's notification alarm. I sat back in my bed to read the text:

"Hi. Yes, I'm Min Mi's friend. I knew you would try to find her again someday", the message read.

"Well, thank you. Can you tell me where I can find her, please? I know that they forced her to go away", I replied.

"She went to Canada after the graduation. I'm telling you this only because I hate to see her suffer because you lost each other", she replied.

She still loves me, but the news left me dumbfounded. Why did she move there?

"Canada?! OK, thank you so much", I replied.

I need to go there and find her now that I know she still loves me. In fact, I never doubted her love for me.

I tossed my phone on the bedside table and started to fill a travel bag with a few clothes.

I'm going to Canada tomorrow itself. Screw the concert and everything else.

Min Mi's POV:

It was a Thursday evening when Eun Ji called me out of the blue. When I saw her name popping up on my phone screen, I immediately took the call. Hearing her voice felt great. I was really missing her so much.

"I have something to tell you, but don't hate me", she began as soon as I picked up.

"What is it? You're scaring me"

"Well uh... Hoseok messaged me yesterday. He was looking for you. He knows everything now", she explained. My heart skipped a beat when I heard his name. The day I've been waiting for – the day the truth was revealed – has finally arrived, and sooner than I expected.

I remain speechless.

"Min Mi? Are you still here?", Eun Ji asked.

"Yes, it's just that I was taken off-guard. Did you tell him I came to Canada?"

"Yes. I think he'll try to come and find you, so expect to see him soon", she retorted, sounding almost cheerful.

"Okay. Thanks for telling me"

"Okay. I have to go now. We'll talk later. Bye", Eun Ji said and hung up.

I lay there, thinking about what she just told me over and over again. J Hope finally knows that I was compelled to leave his life, and now we might be re-united soon. However, I'm scared he'll do something really stupid and drop everything just to come here. As stubborn and impulsive as he was, he might be already on a plane to come here. 

My last glimmer of hope { A J Hope fan fiction }Where stories live. Discover now