The beginning of the end(part 2)

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J Hope's POV:

Min Mi and I continued to walk for a few more minutes. It was getting colder and colder. The door of a nightclub suddenly opened to our right, the loud music reverberating in the night in that brief instance, and a group of boys came out. They were drunk and were laughing hysterically. I pulled Min Mi closer to me and quickened our pace.

This was when one of the guys noticed us and hollered at Min Mi:

"Hey, look at that nice ass". His friends laughed maniacally and started to walk in our direction.

My jaws tightened as I fought the urge of turning back and punching him. Meanwhile, they came behind us and one of them grabbed Min Mi's wrist. This time I couldn't fought the urge.

How dare he touch her?

I punched the guy right in the face and he stumbled down to the ground.

"You'll regret it", he said through clenched teeth as he managed to get back on his feet. All of the boys came at me at once and it happened in a flash; the last thing I saw was Min Mi's horrified and shocked expression, tears rolling down her cheeks.

Min Mi's POV:

We walked quietly for a while along a forsaken street when suddenly, loud music echoed through the air as the door of a nightclub burst open and some boys came out of it. They smelled of alcohol as we passed by them, the nauseating smell floating around in the air.

I sensed Hoseok pulling me closer and walking faster: we needed to get out of here now.

"Hey, look at that nice ass", one of the men yelled. I felt my heartbeat quicken as I thought of the danger that we were in. Hobi whispered to me to ignore them and continue to walk when suddenly, one of them grabbed my wrist and spun me around.

J Hope punched him in the face and the guy fell on the pavement, clutching his jaw in pain.

All of the next event came in a flash. One of the boys drew a knife from under his coat and stabbed J Hope in the stomach.

I was tetanized. J Hope was lying in the middle of the road, his blood flowing profusely, staining his white shirt. He shortly fell unconscious. Tears rolled down my cheeks.

What should I do? I can't bear to lose him, not like this.

I screamed for help while trying to stop the hemorrhage with my scarf. Two people came running from the back of a restaurant and eventually called an ambulance.

My hands were stained in blood and my vision went blurred owing to the stream of tears flowing down my face. This can't be the end yet, I begged. 

My last glimmer of hope { A J Hope fan fiction }Where stories live. Discover now