You speak to my soul(part 2)

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Min Mi's POV:

The small coffee shop felt so warm on this cold December night. Hoseok's eyes were shining in delight. His black hair brought back by a bandana exposed his forehead. He slightly rubbed the rim of his coffee cup as he talked. It was out of habit he said when he saw me staring intently at his hands.

"So, tell me... where are you from?", he asked me, leaning back in his chair.

"I was born in Seoul. My parents moved here when my mom was 4 months pregnant. They came all the way from Busan because of my father's job and now they went back but I stayed because of school"

"Oh, I see. Well, I guess you know pretty much everything about me because of google", he replied, taking a sip from his cup.

"I know what the media portrays, but is that the real you?". Hoseok was taken aback by my answer and almost spilled some coffee on the table. He looked at me and smiled. I love how the left corner of his lips lifts up a micro second before his right one does when he smiles.

I smiled back at him and raised an eyebrow in anticipation of an answer.

"I want to know the real Jung Hoseok", I added.

"There's no huge difference between the me I show to the world and the person I really am. We ought to be honest with our fans. I owe them everything that I have".

J Hope's POV:

We made ourselves comfortable and started to talk. I could tell she has a sore throat as her voice was raspier than when we first talked. Also, her eyes were a bit watery and the tip of her nose was red from all the snuffing I suppose. However, she managed to smile and looked happy to be here.

She was from Seoul but her parents are originally from Busan. This made me think of Jimin and Jungkook who once fought over who got to say he was born in Busan first.

"Oh, I see, I guess you know pretty much everything about me because of google", I retorted and took a sip from my coffee to hide my nervousness. She could have seen anything online, any false rumors or misconception sparked by haters.

"I know what the media portrays, but is that the real you?", she said casually.

I was caught off-guard by her answer and almost spilled all of my coffee on the table. Well, what can I say? I'm trying all of might to stay true to the other members, to our fans and to myself, and now to her. Will she understand?

"I want to know the real Jung Hoseok", she insists.

"There's no huge difference between the me I show to the world and the person I really am. We ought to be honest with our fans. I owe them everything that I have", I fired back way too quickly than I would like.

"I mean, I may seem cheerful and to say frankly, I'm really happy to be where I am today. But it hasn't always been easy for us", I added.

Min Mi's POV:

"I mean, I may seem cheerful and to say frankly, I'm really happy to be where I am today. But it hasn't always been easy for us", he blurted out, seeming flustered.

Well, I've followed BTS's story from the beginning. All the hate that used to be directed exclusively towards them. I still wonder how the members got the strength to get through it without actually giving everything up.

"I know. I've been a fan since your debut days and I'm incredibly amazed by how you all worked hard to prove your haters wrong".

His bent his head down and wiped his eyes with his sleeve.

Was he crying?

I got all flustered by his sudden outburst of emotions.

"I'm really grateful for fans like you, fans who appreciate our hard work. It always makes me emotional", he said with a hoarse voice, distorted by the emotions.

I reached across the table and held his hands. He looked confused for a split second but put his other hand on top of mine.

I smiled at him and looked into his teary eyes. "Millions of people are grateful that the group persevered", I said in an attempt to comfort him.

"I know and I owe them everything".

We held hands for another minute or two until he let go to wipe his eyes once again.

"Cheer up now".

J Hope's POV:

She nodded. I'm glad she really understands.

"I know. I've been a fan since your debut days and I'm incredibly amazed by how you all worked hard to prove your haters wrong", she said

I couldn't help but shed a tear as I heard those words. Debut days have been tough, all the criticisms we faced really marked us for life but we stood up for ourselves and worked harder than ever to make our dreams come true. And here she was, saying that she never doubted us, I felt even more grateful.

I bent my head and the tears started to flow.

"I'm really grateful for fans like you, fans who appreciate our hard work. It always makes me emotional", I struggled to say.

She reached out to me and held my hands. Her touch sent chills down my spine. I didn't expect her to do this, but I'm glad she did.

I placed my left hand over hers and we held hands for some time.

"Millions of people are grateful that the group persevered", she said while nodding her head.

I'm aware of that, that's the reason I don't ever want to deceive them.

"I know and I owe them everything".

I finally let go of her hands to wipe away my tears which continued to roll down my cheeks.

Min Mi's POV:

Hoseok regained his composure and the rest of the night went on smoothly. We each ordered another cup of coffee and some cake and talked about my upcoming graduation ceremony and the BTS concert to be held soon.

The goofy and cheerful J Hope came back and I couldn't stop laughing at his jokes even though my throat hurt and any further strain put on it when I laughed increased the pain by tenfold. He looked too happy for me to ruin his mood by complaining about my sore throat.

Hours went by fast as we kept on talking and talking. He really was a good person and at the end of the night I found myself falling for him

J Hope's POV:

After the emotional episode of me crying, we went on talking about our lives. Min Mi was looking forward to her graduation ceremony. She would complain about the tremendous amount of work to do but was altogether happy about it.

She laughed at every joke that I cracked, even the lame ones that I learnt from Jin. Her eyes would light up when she laughed although her voice sounded hoarse.

We ordered more coffee and some pastries and continued to talk for hours on end. As time flew by, she gradually opened up more to me, and me to her. It felt as if I've known her for years. It was the best feeling in the world.

"I just remembered something", I said


"There's a quote that says: find someone who speaks your language so you don't have to spend a lifetime translating your soul, or something along the line", I responded.

"Min Mi, I feel like I've known you for years. I feel like I finally found someone who truly understands me", I added.

"I feel the same way too. But I have a question: does the author view it literally or figuratively?", she said.

"Well, only the true author knows. I guess it's figurative"

My last glimmer of hope { A J Hope fan fiction }Where stories live. Discover now