Death Tunes

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Tedros couldn't see a thing.

He was standing on the front of the boat, but fog masked the air around them. He could barely see 3 metres in front of him.

"Is there land here?" Tedros called back to Tristan, who was examining their map.

"There shouldn't be." He replied.

"Maybe we made a wrong turn a while back, cause there shouldn't be anything remotely near here." Chaddick said.

They were sailing very slowly to make sure that they didn't hit any rocks.

Then nowhere they heard singing. The most beautiful singing he'd ever heard, coming from beyond the fog.

"What is that?" Tedros shouted.

"I have no idea." Tristan said, entranced by the beauty voice.

The singing grew louder and louder. It was all around. But the source was still unknown.

In front of the the fog parted, to reveal a women.

She was sitting on a rock, hugging her knees. She wore a white dress, the dress had spots of blood on it and she had cuts all over her arms. She was soaking wet and appeared to be crying.

"Hello?" Tedros called out to her.

She just kept singing and crying.

Her voice was so beautiful. She probably needed his help. She might have been in a ship wreck or something.

Then he heard another voice. Then another. Then another. Fog started to clear and revealed that they were surrounded by sharp rocks. Each rock had another singing women on it.

"H-hello?" He repeated, this time it was more at a stutter. "Are you--"

He was to focused on them to finish. They were gorgeous. Chaddick sailed the boat towards them.

Suddenly the kitchen door swung open and Nicola, Dot, Hester and Anadil rushed out.

"Sirens!" Nicola screamed. But Tedros, Tristan, Chaddick, Hort, Bodgen And Willam, didn't even flinch.

Tedros couldn't hear a thing that they were shouting. All he could hear was singing.

The girls were rushing around the boat trying to get their attention and who knows what else.

Tedros just focused on the beautiful tune, when another voices started to sing. A voice more beautiful than the rest. A voice coming from the brig.

He slowly turned and made his way across the ship's deck to the brig. When he entered he saw Agatha leaning against the bars and singing.

He inched closer and leaned down at the cell. Agatha sat up and cupped his face through the bars. He met her chocolate brown eyes and fell deep into her trance. Their lips inched closer and touched.

She tasted like vanilla cream--

He suddenly jolted and he was on the deck of the ship, still listening the the women singing. He spun towards the brig.

It was all an illusion. He never really went down there.

He snapped out of that thought and shifted to the women singing.

He looked at there long wet hair, bloodied clothes and beautiful faces.

Actually they were starting to look less beautiful by the second. But he ignored it.

"Are you alright?" He said. "Would you like to come aboard? We can help you get home."

"No!" Nicola shouted.

Tedros spun. "What? They're hurt!"

"They're sirens!" Hester shot back.

Tedros's eyes widened. He pulled his pistol out and started to shoot at them.

As he did their song turned into laughter.

Nicola jabbed his arm. "You can't kill them like that!"

"Then how do we kill them then?" Tedros said, forcing himself not to shoot again.

"Well, a siren can only be killed if the mortal she seeks to lure doesn't fall under her spell!" Nicola shouted over the loud singing.

Tedros turned to the other men who were all looking eagerly at the sirens.

"We have to get them to stop listening somehow!" Anadil screamed above the noise.

Hester clubbed Tristan in the head, making him fall to the ground, unconscious.

"That'll do it," Dot said.

"No it won't!" Nicola yelled. "They have to resist it! At least one of them does!"

Nicola turned to Tedros, who had already gone back to ogling at the women. She moved to Hort and tried to get his attention. "Hort!"

He was looking out at the sirens still.

Nicola cupped his face with her hands. "Hort?" She whispered.

Hort met her eyes. "Nicola?" He said, confusion in his voice.

The sirens started to shriek in pain. Their whole bodies started to change. The no longer looked like beautiful maiden. They had gills on their necks, webbed finger and toes, dreadlocked hair, fins on their elbows, and scales covering patches of skin as well as torn clothing. There voice's didn't sounded beautiful, they sounded like snakes hissing in pain.

One of them climbed onto the boat in desperation. Reaching out to the door of the brig, before it collapsed dead on the deck.

They looked out at the water and discovered that they were all dead.

Wow. Tedros thought.

"What the hell just happened?" Bodgen said.

"Those pretty women just... just..." Chaddick said

"Those weren't pretty women!" Hester shrieked. "We came out here and you were all ogling at those disgusting things!"

"Are we just leaving Tristan or..." Dot's voice said in the background. They all ignored her.

"What? How did you not see them--" Willam started.

"That's their trick!" Nicola butted in. "They are meant to lure sailors to their deaths. They sing and men see them as beautiful women. But there illusion doesn't work on us girls."

"Ah," Hester smirked. "Must be a superior gender thing."

The girls nodded and the boys rolled their eyes.

"But they didn't attack us for no reason." Nicola said.

Tedros raised an eye brow. "No?"

"No. They came for her." Nicola glanced back at the door to the brig, where they could hear a low humming.

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