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Sophie couldn't stop crying.

Her best friend was gone.

Her best friend had saved her! And from such a horrible fate.

As soon as Tedros fired those shots into the water, the pod new that they were out numbered. So naturally, they went to Pan.

It took a while for them to get the message to him, because Tinkerbell vanished. They looked all over the lagoon for the fairy, but no one had seen her since Agatha yelled for them to dive. Maybe she hid? They just hoped that she was alright.

All of the mermaids now sat on the rocks of the lagoon with Peter sitting cross legged on the highest point.

It was dark out. The Igraine was long gone. They had been here for so long trying to think up a plan to save their brave friend. But they had nothing.

"We could fly after them!" Kiko said, breaking the silence the group was in, deep in their own thoughts and plans.

"Mermaid don't fly, Kiko!" Beatrix spat.

"Pan does!" Kiko shot back.

"We could pay the king to send her back!" Reena said.

"With What money?" Millicent said.

Reena was silent. They had none.

Pan smiled mischievous. "The pirate's money."

All of the girls stared at him.

"Pan, That's way too risky!" Beatrix gasped. "We'd be in more danger than Agatha is right now!"

"But what's life without a little risk." He winked.

"Even if we did get money how would we send word to the king in time?" Kiko reasoned.

Pan considered this. He looked like he was about to say something, like he had an amazing idea, his mouth opened--

It closed just as easily and all the mermaids groaned. He always left them on the edge of their seats and letting them down like that. But know of all times!

Sophie groaned. "There has to be a way to save Aggie! It'll be all my fault if those monsters skin her!" She started to cry even more at the thoughts of her poor friend's fate.

She wiped up her tears. Crying wouldn't get her friend back.

She closed her eyes runny through as many possibilities to save her friend as she could think of, in her head.

All of them fail.

She thought hard.

And there it was. Like a lightbulb switching on in a darkroom.

"A rescue mission." She said, eyes flashing open.

Beatrix rolled her eyes. "The boat is too far away for us to reach now--"

"I didn't say we had to rescue her."

Their eyes widened. They all knew exactly who would save Agatha.

"Well, What are we waiting for." Pan smirked.

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