The Crew of the Igraine

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Tedros looked down at the mermaid unconscious on his deck.

She looks so peaceful. So beautiful. He thought.

She had a aqua tail, purple shells on her chest, hair as black as night with sea shells woven into it.

"Get her outta the net and take her below deck," Tedros commanded.

Dot and Anadil nodded and cut her loose.

When she was free Tedros bent down and ran his hand along her slimy tail. He looked up at her pale, beautiful face, and suddenly he felt sorry for her.

In a flash her eyes shot open, she pulled a shell out of her hair and stabbed him in the thigh with it.

He groaned in pain. He no longer felt sorry for the creature. Dot and Anadil seized her arms and dragged her towards the door to below deck, as she flapped around like a fish on dry land.

As the door slammed behind them, he started to feel the bashing on the bottom of the boat start up again.

Tedros groaned. He grabbed his pistol from his belt and started shooting blindly into the water, to ward them off.

It worked. The bashing stopped and the boat continued to sail towards the mouth of the lagoon.


Their boat sailed into Pirate Cove, where the pirates were awaiting his return.

They put the plank between the two ships and this time, their captain came across.

"Well?" He said. "Did you find 'er."

Tedros nodded.

Tristan and Chaddick chucked another few bags of gold over the gap and onto the floor of his ship.

His men scurried to the bag to see if the money was legitimate.

It was.

The captain gave Tedros a nod. "Pleasure doin' business wit' ya." The captain limped back over to his ship and they withdrew the plank.

Tedros turned back to the crew. "Set a course for Camelot."


Bodgen looked down at the mermaid lying motionless on the cell floor.

"Er- would you like something to eat?" He stammered.

She didn't turn.

"Would you like to play with our tarot cards?" Willam asked, shuffling the deck.

She turned towards them, holding herself up on her elbows. "Sure," she sighed.

"Finally! Someone actually wants to play with us!" Willam exclaimed.

She smiled a little bit. Just a little bit.

"Everyone else on this ship is super boring," Bodgen said.

That made her laugh.

"What's you're name?" Bodgen asked.


"Hello, Agatha. I'm Bodgen and this it Willam."

She gave a little nodded.

Willam laid down her first card.


"Enemies." Willam said.

"I think I know who that would be." She glanced up at the door to the deck.

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