Takeoff to Takedown

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Two days after Second Chance

"If you would like your record fully expunged, it will require a longer process. If you sign this your arrest will remain on record permanently, and you will be on a watch list for the next ten years. As long as you're on the watch list you will have to disclose any travel outside of the country at least two weeks in advance, and you can expect you will be pulled aside for individual inspection any time you pass through an airport."

"Adrien and I, at least, will be signing this agreement," Gabriel declared. "He needs to take a business trip to Tibet as soon as possible."

"I have to be on that trip as well," Marinette added. "I'll be signing too if I may." She looked to her parents for permission; they nodded.

"Will we be able to take the kids with us?"

"You probably can. The appropriate professionals are already working to have butterfly children certified as companion animals. That shouldn't be as complicated, and will likely be complete before you'll be able to travel anyway. Different airlines also have different restrictions, so even if you can't fly on one, you can most likely find another that suits your needs."

"Can we just sign already?" Gabriel asked stiffly. "Adrien and I have other things we need to do."

"If you're sure you have fully read the agreement and are satisfied with it."

"We're sure. Let's just get this over with."


Four weeks after Second Chance
Approximately one month after A Chat in the Dark
Six months after Genesis Quoi

"Don't worry, Marinette," Master Fu advised his protégé. "The airline already approved our application."

"But what if they want to put the babies in the cargo hold because they see them as 'animals'? What if they have a problem with the miracle box?"

"I have traveled with the miracle box before. It only looks like a box of jewelry to them. If we have to, we can wear the extra miraculouses and put their box in my luggage. I don't expect they'll give us any trouble bringing your children in the cabin, but if they do, we can find a different plane. You won't have to be separated."


"That wasn't as bad as last time." Adrien sat down beside Marinette. They'd only been able to get two seats together, so it was decided that the two of them should get them. That way they only needed one carryon bag with baby supplies. Master Fu was in the row behind them; Nathalie was two ahead and across the aisle. As part of the terms for her being near the miraculouses, they had to keep an eye on her the entire trip. So far, she didn't seem to have any intention of causing trouble.

"It wasn't bad at all. If it's like this every time, maybe I can like airplanes after all." Their individual search had been nerve wracking, but they'd ultimately been allowed to pass right through. With a good experience behind them, they wouldn't be as nervous to go through airport security the next time.

"Have you ever been to China before?" Adrien asked his girlfriend.

"No. Are we really going there now? That depends on who you ask."

"Oh, that whole 'Free Tibet' thing? Then I guess there's no clear answer, but if we listen to our government, I guess it is part of China. So after today, we can say we've been."


"Psst! Adrien!" Master Fu leaned forward in his seat, "Can you describe the symptoms your mère and Nathalie had?"

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