Nice to Meet You

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"How do I feed him?" Adrien wondered.

"Like a woman feeds a baby, I guess..." Plagg had hardly been able to wait for the doctor to be out of the room before he came out of hiding to get a look at Adrien's baby. The kwami poked the tip of his hand into the baby's palm, and snickered as the little boy tried to close his chubby fingers around it. He might be a tiny squirt, but he had all the reflexes that a healthy newborn should.

"I'll try..." Adrien knew he shouldn't doubt it too hard. In the specialized classes he'd had over the past month, he'd learned that men were indeed capable of producing milk if they consumed a diet too high in phytoestrogens (plant based estrogen), but it was hard to imagine it happening to him, even if his chest had become sensitive to the touch in the past week. He knew that many of his female classmates had started their lactation - but not even all of the girls had milk yet, and not one of the boys had gotten any... or, they were being extremely tight-lipped. If they were, he couldn't blame them, he decided.

Slightly grossed out, but wanting to know the answer, he unbuttoned his hospital gown and held his son up to a nipple. The baby immediately turned his head, instinctively looking for food, and he found it. His mouth was barely big enough to get the tip of the nipple inside, but he did it - and he sucked vigorously. A strange tickling sensation told Adrien that the baby's work was not in vain - he had produced milk for his son.

"He likes dairy; I like your son already! Hey, do you think we could make cheese out of that milk?"

"Shut it!"


"That's a beautiful name!" Sabine approved the name of her... granddaughter?

"Of course it's a beautiful name, it's for a beautiful baby!" Gina gushed.

Tom didn't speak for the moment, but wiped a tear from his eye. He was brought back to his first memories of baby Marinette, who had grown all too fast for his taste. For now, they had the best of both worlds - the opportunity to relive her childhood while also having their more mature daughter of whom he was so proud.

"I can't imagine why I ever thought about giving her up," Marinette pondered. "I feel such a connection to her already!"

"That's what happens when you see your child for the first time," Tom commented. "Does she have a birth certificate yet?"

"The doctor didn't even mention getting her a birth certificate!" Marinette realized. 'That has to be an oversight... right?' "I don't even know if I should call what you're doing giving birth."

The family remained hopeful that all would be resolved simply by their asking, but a nagging suspicion lingered in their minds. 'Would the hospital intentionally deny her her birth certificate?'

The reappearance of the doctor did more to strengthen their misgivings than to dissuade them. "Due to the... unusual circumstances of this incident, I do not feel qualified to issue a birth certificate. I will have to consult the registrar to see what is to be done."

All around Paris, new parents of butterfly children were beginning to see the immensity of the challenge being thrust upon them. Not only were they each charged with a baby at such a young age, but they were to attempt providing a childhood to a kid to whom most of society would refuse to grant human liberties. It was a long road ahead.

For this reason, many were hopeful when their respective doctors told them a decision had been reached regarding all of the butterfly children. It turned out the decision was to keep them under observation for a few days in an isolated hospital ward away from other patients. Existing convalescents in the selected ward were willing to be shuffled off into other wards and other hospitals rather than stay in an area where they feared they could be additionally harmed - if not infected with butterfly children of their own. It was pretty much confirmation that the butterfly children would be continually marginalized, but for now at least, it meant they would be reunited with their friends and classmates who were in the same situation.

Butterfly Delivery - AdrinetteWhere stories live. Discover now