Second Chance

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"Oh, I know, Sweetie, Marinette will be home soon." Sabine cuddled the baby to her in an attempt to calm her down. Bridgette allowed her crying to be brought down to a low whimper. She was with people she liked, whose embrace she welcomed, but she still wanted her mother.

"You've hardly eaten anything since you've been here. Let's go get your bottle."

Bridgette eagerly took the nipple, but at first taste turned her head to the side and refused to open her mouth. Baby formula was unfamiliar and unwelcome!

"I know this isn't your favorite, but it's all we have. You were just acting hungry a moment ago." Sabine knew what was wrong; everyone in that home was missing Marinette, and though she spoke positive words, she couldn't help but wonder how long it would really be before her daughter would be allowed to come home. She and Tom hadn't even known that Marinette was back in France, then the police brought Bridgette to their doorstep. They were told they would be primarily responsible for her until Marinette was released from police custody. There were influential people who were on her side, trying to clear her name, but there were potentially others who would like to impede her as long as possible. Depending on how long they were stuck in a deadlock, Bridgette might have to get used to the taste of formula.


"Listen closely," the senior officer told the rookie. "We're going to need you to be a bit of a scapegoat."

"A scapegoat! How so?"

"I'm going to give you instructions regarding three prisoners, and you're going to 'mishear' me. I'm telling you that the baby that was with them has no documents, and that she was released to family. You're going to think I meant we don't have the documents on file to keep any of them in custody, but you're not going to release them right away. You've heard that these three are helping the superhero team find Hawkmoth, and Hawkmoth is on to them. He's much more likely to make a bold move if he thinks they're still locked up. However, they mustn't still be when Hawkmoth comes looking for them. When an old Asian man comes to report a lost turtle, that is your signal to let them go."

"Will I still have a job when this is over?" the rookie asked nervously.

"We'll say that you'll be 'disciplined sufficiently' and leave it at that. You might have to be sent back to the training facility for a one week refresher course. All expenses paid, of course."


"I'm sorry to hear that your flight got delayed sir - that's unfortunate, and I'm afraid I have more bad news. I've spoken to the police department on your behalf and they say they are unable to hold Adrien until you can collect him. They ask that you authorize someone else to look after him in the mean time. Shall I pick him up from the station?"

"No," Gabriel sighed from the other end of the phone line. "Call Adrien's bodyguard and ask him to go. My son is surely up to something and you don't have the power to stop him. Be sure to tell him not to let my boy out of his sight."


Marinette stood with her parents and grandmother, watching as Adrien was reluctantly loaded into the back of a limo and escorted away. "I've got to go now," she murmured once the vehicle was out of sight.

"We understand. Go."

Marinette took off around the back of the station, where she found exactly who she expected would be there.

"Ah, Ladybug, have you decided which of your friends you would like to have by you for this final showdown?"

"I have, Master; we will be going in low profile. Aside from Chat Noir, I'll only be bringing one extra to the fight."

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