Sevitiguf - Fugitives in Reverse

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"But certainly the United States has some sort of treaty with France! Didn't you bring us here because Madagascar doesn't?"

"This airport is a small one. There aren't many outgoing flights to choose. All of them that are leaving today go to somewhere that risks extradition. Luckily, the airport we'll be landing in has flights to and from all over Europe all around the clock. We'll catch another flight to Paris before the authorities know to look for us in Chicago. We just need to keep our heads down and not give them any reason to question who we are."

"Well, if there's no better choice... how long will we stay?"

"I'll book us another flight a few hours after we get there. No one is directly behind us, so we can give ourselves time to get through customs. You two have only experienced an airport this big in the slow part of the night; we won't be that lucky again."


"Shh. Shh, Bridgette. We really can't have you making baby noises right now," Marinette cooed. "You have to let people think you're a dog, or you could get us in trouble."

"Was she like this on her first flight?" Gina asked.

"No, she was absolutely perfect until just before we landed. Beginner's luck, I guess."

"She'll calm down again before long. In the mean time, not much is likely to happen if someone hears her. The other passengers don't know we're not supposed to have a baby. People travel with babies often enough that -"

Someone else's baby let out a yell from elsewhere on the plane. "They won't even know which aisle the baby is in."


That Evening


"What's wrong, Master?" Nooroo asked hesitantly.

Gabriel searched his phone for information that wasn't there. "Adrien's signal has disappeared. It was here right before we boarded our flight; now it's gone. Someone tipped him off."

"Nathalie is the only one who knew where you were going."

"No, it wouldn't be her. One of Adrien's friends must have noticed I was gone and guessed. Because of that, Adrien's phone is at least switched off - and he might not even be here anymore."

"What are we going to do?"

"We're going to go to the last place that we know Adrien was. He doesn't know how to keep himself to himself. Hopefully he told some new 'friend' that he made in just a day, where he's going next, and I can get that out of him."



"Yes, Madame?"

"This man is Gabriel Agreste from Paris, France. He's looking for his son, Adrien, who may have been here. Wasn't that the name of the boy who got in trouble with the police a few days back?"

'We left without telling my père what we were doing... he doesn't know where we are.' Cornelius remembered. "Um, maybe? His first name was Adrien, I don't know his last name."

"Was he with a girl his age and a little baby?"

"... yes." It would be too convenient to forget that. His employer would be able to answer that. Many of the hostel guests who hadn't just arrived that day would be able to answer that.

"That's my son; do you know where they went?"

'Something's come up, we have to head back to Paris urgently. Do you have a way we can keep contact?'

"They didn't say where they were going, but they did tell me someone was after them. Do you know anything about that?"

"Yes, I'm aware he was afraid for his safety. I'm worried about him as well; that's why I'm trying to catch up to him. Could you point me in the direction of someone who might have more information?"

"No... and actually... there's something I have to check on at home. May I be excused for a little while?" Cornelius looked to his boss for permission. His boss didn't say yes, but didn't say no, so Cornelius took off running down the road. Once he reached the restaurant, rather than go up the stairs to his apartment, he flagged down his friend who was moving between tables.

"Shouldn't you be at work?" Celeste asked him.

"There's a man going around asking questions about Adrien and Marinette. He says he's Adrien's père, but I'm not sure about that. If he comes here, don't tell him anything!"


"We just recieved the passenger list for an inbound flight from ORD," the front desk informed airline security. "The computers flagged three names."

"Who are they?"

"Gina Dupain, Marinette Dupain-Cheng, and Adrien Agreste. The latter two slipped through on an outgoing flight just eight days ago, but for unknown reasons they're already coming home. There are warrants out on all three names."

"The plane is already in the air?"


"Then alert its flight crew to be wary. We'll confer with the city police before any further action.


Not long after, a security agent reported to his superior. "I've run a background check of the fugitives aboard the 21:00 (9 p.m.) landing. They have nonviolent records, all three of them."

"If they're likely no threat to other passengers, we can allow the plane to land normally. A ground crew will be waiting to receive them when they get off."


"Arrested twice in one week?" Roger Raincomprix stood with his hands on his hips, facing Adrien and Marinette. "I thought you both were decent kids! Marinette, I've known you since you were in primaire. I'm very disappointed to see you on the wrong side of the law!

"Personally, I am a firm believer that the law is there for a reason, and that we should follow it at all costs. If any breach of the law goes unpunished, that counts as an invitation for someone to challenge the law even further. However, both the mayor and my daughter have been telling me that you're good people who didn't have a choice. My job is to protect the innocent. If you're innocent, I will find it, and I will prove it. Mark my words."

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