En Garde

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Fourteen days after Cigogne

"Bye, bye, butterfly! Bye, bye, butterfly!"

The health condition of those in Miss Bustier's class was stable now,

"Bye, bye, butterfly!"

but there was always something these da-

"Bye, bye, butterfly!"

something these days, interfering with their learning.

"Bye, bye, butterfly!"

"Why did they have to take Ladybug's phrase?" Marinette wondered aloud.

"Bye, bye, butterfly!"

She was in her seat, trying hard to give her undivided attention to her classwork,

"Bye, bye, butterfly!"

but the protesters outside were making it very

"Bye, bye, butterfly!"


"Bye, bye, butterfly!"

to focus on what she was reading.

"Bye, bye, butterfly!"

"Imitation is the sincerest -

"Bye, bye, butterfly!"

-" Alya reminded Marinette. It was hard to hear her over the

"Bye, bye, butterfly!"

Outside, Mr. Damocles had appeared, and was trying his best with the rioting crowd.

"Bye, bye, butterfly! Bye, bye, butterfly!"

The headmaster swiveled his head around, reading the signs lifted above the heads of the horde.

Paris unite against the parasite!

Butterfly children aren't children!

We won't stand for this mutant gene, that's why we call for quarantine!

"Who among you is your leader?" he tried. "Can't we talk this out?"

"Bye, bye, butterfly! Bye, bye, butterfly!" met him in return.

"Your school is harboring people who carry a dangerous infection!" someone yelled. The protesters for the most part quieted down, willing to let one of their own speak. "They should be thrown out of the city for the good of us all!"

Mr. Damocles raised his hands in front of his chest in a defensive position. "Come now, they're just kids!"

"A necessary casualty!" came the reply, "These teenagers already have akuma inside of them. There are still more students in your school that haven't been infected yet."

"Please," he begged, "you know I don't have the power to do that, even if I wanted to. You would have to talk to the mayor about that, and he's a very busy man!"

"He's already here, Mr. Damocles!" Roger Rencomprix announced, getting out of his police car. He went around to the passenger side, opening the door for Mayor Bourgeois.

"Everyone needs to calm down. I have been talking to the doctors who looked at the patients, and everything is under control!"

"How can they have it under control when they're still letting those things grow inside the victims?"

"Well, some of the students see these little lives as their own children, and have become very protective of them. As for the others, it's simply too risky to attempt surgical removal."

Butterfly Delivery - AdrinetteWhere stories live. Discover now