Chapter 32

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Alanna's POV

A stake out is something I’d never considered before.

Sure, I’d always wanted to be one of those people who stood stealthily behind buildings waiting for their victim to turn up. Only he wasn’t my victim and I definitely wasn’t stealthy in the slightest.

As I lurked in the shadows waiting for him to turn up I fidgeted with my hands anxiously. Other people might think that this was a poor way to spend your birthday, but for me it was a vast improvement on the years that had come before it. In previous years, apart from the lucky few, I had been getting beat up, raped or abused and at that moment none of those things were happening and I was happy.

Demetri wasn’t there yet; I checked my clock and the time was precisely 9:38 pm. I breathed out a sigh as in twenty minutes I would be facing my foster brother who may or may not want to kill me. I was hoping for not, but in these crazy times you could never be sure.

A buzzing sound brought my attention to my phone which was vibrating wildly in my jean pocket. The caller ID told me it was Zayn and I bit back a groan. It was only like 24 hours ago that I saw him last couldn’t he leave me be for at least a bit?

I ignored the call only to be bombarded by texts from the man himself.

We need to talk.

Stop lying.

You know we need to talk.

I didn’t even bother reading the rest and simply found his name and hit the call button, unwilling to be harassed by him for the rest of the night.

“What?” I hissed feeling aggravated.

“Why are you bullshitting?” His husky voice demanded.

“Excuse me?”

“About what you told Finn, which I believe was something along the lines of ‘my uncle was your foster dad and abused you’. Who makes that kind of sick shit up?”

I felt my anger levels rise. “You know what Zayn you can go shove some dynamite up your ass and set it on fire for all I care. You said there was some holes in your Uncles story and now I’m telling you the real one you just don’t like it.”

He laughed. “Telling me the real story?” He asked incredulously.

“What do you think happened then?”

“I- I don’t know,” He stammered.

“Precisely. But you just love believing lies so that you can go around killing people for a reason that you aren’t even aware of.” 

“I wasn’t killing them for no reason! I was killing them because they were trying to kill me! And don’t try to act all high and mighty now because before all of this you supposedly had no idea what this was about either!”

“Yeah but do you want to know the difference?” I asked rhetorically as whether he liked it or not he was going to hear it.

“Go on then.”

“I didn’t kill anyone.”

He shut up for a few moments but unspoken words lingered in the silence which made me not hang up the phone.

I heard him breathe out before he spoke again. “Who was that boy who died?”

“You mean Elijah? The one Liam killed?” Anyone would have been able to see the bitterness in my words.

He sighed. “Yes.”

“He was my foster brother.”


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