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There was also another person who I met on interpals, a very important person in my life. His name was Kamille Ej Gulapa. Kamille was from Philippines, he is a wonderful person. I think sometimes he’s similar to Fourca, they’re both a bit whimsical and get angry for many things. They’re moody, etc. But they’re different, Guillermo doesn’t have Kamille’s sensibility, or at least, Guillermo doesn’t show it (Guillermo and Fourca are the same person, sometimes I switch the names). I really loved everyone of my friends from Interpals and in real life, everyone was a gift from the sky for me as I said, but Kamille was the one who showed me in the most intense way how happy he was about it. We started calling each other bro and always told each other “I love you”. Ours was like a romantic relationship, he was bisexual but we’ve never been a couple, we’re just friends. “More than a friend, less than a lover” as he once said. Even tho we argued so much till the point we’ve almost left each other and broke our friendship  more than once, we’re still together. He said he’s over attached to people and he learned to overcome the problem. I understand him because his family doesn’t love him, everyone is always so strict with him, his friends all went away and the remaining ones are busy and seem like they don’t care. Who wouldn’t need someone to love in a situation like that? I can understand him very well this days, I feel similar, but I think I found the way to free myself from the need of people. I remember our last big argument was on 5th of July of 2018, the day of his birthday. He didn’t talk to me for like five days because I couldn’t talk to him for two and he sent me a message of farewell, but I managed to make him stay. From that day we argued less. He was so happy that I stayed and that I forgave him, I always forgive, I don’t like to make people go away like this, I want them to understand, also understand how love is important, forgiveness…
I don’t pretend to be a master or something like that, many times I did something bad too, but I just want to give love to those who, in the end, are needy of it.
We’re great friends till now, we talk almost everyday, he is depressed since when I met him and he’s very happy that I talk with him everyday and I am happy too. This days we give each other power by loving each other. He’s my brother, we’re brothers.

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