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Directioners and Larries are quick to sexualize the boys, as much as we hate to admit it. We make edits of them with each other in lack of actual proof we might never get (and probably shouldn't even ask for as it's a part of life people are rarely willing to share). Because of this, I will not go into details should I decide to include love making scenes. If this is what you read Larry fanfictions for, I'm not sorry to disappoint you; there are plenty of those already. Talking about common explicit scenes and Larry in general, the fandom is not forcing homosexuality on neither one of them; it's important for us to acknowledge that we support them regardless of their sexuality.

What we often forget is how devastating it must be for them to be in the spotlight so much and not be able to shine a light on their happiness. Actually, we are aware of it - the argument supported by the number of Larry videos - but we still tend to disregard their feelings when we are being pushy on social media. And to clarify, I am very much a Larry believer, but what I assume in this story is nothing more than just that - an assumption we are perhaps correct about, that Louis and Harry are romantically involved. Something I read a long time ago I want to make clear once again - if Larry isn't real, then we truly created the greatest love story.

About the title: The title 'Joy of Missing Out' came naturally when I learned the meaning of a slang term quite recent to me, which is the acronym of the name of this story. JOMO is, as far as I understand, the opposite of FOMO (fear of missing out; could possibly be an alternative title). Why I think it suits the story is because 'Joy of Missing Out' talks about the private side of Louis and Harry's alleged relationship we know nothing about. This is (sadly) perfect because it leaves space for us to explore it. As you will notice, the focus [in this story] is rarely on anyone but Louis and Harry because of what I already mentioned. I don't want to put the emphasis on the insider point of view but the two of them, so no minor character comments directly on what's happening between them. I do hope all the hardship I put the characters through isn't actually what their relationship has to be like.  I might also include certain 'opinions' which do not represent mine or the opinion of our fandom, but rather non-fans or is purely false.

About the description: Harry's debut album (and 'Meet Me In The Hallway') starts with muffled words everyone thinks are 'two, three, four' and I always hear 'take me fool', which reminds me of 'now kiss me you fool'. No reason other than that. It might imply sexual content, but I'm not gonna do that.

About the language: I will not try to make their conversations 'British'. I primarily write American English and don't use British variants for American words so you will rarely see those. This way it sounds more natural, and I avoid words and catchphrases we often associate with them because I've seen them overused in other fanfictions and AUs. Take into consideration that English is my second language. That excuses any and all mistakes I make.

About my social media: I thought about directing you to my social media and decided to add my handles. However, I do not have a fan account and I usually write in Serbian (but will always respond to your messages in Serbian, English or Spanish if you DM me), so I don't think I would be much fun to follow on my private accounts. With that said, I am @angsimic on Instagram and @AngieSimic on Twitter. Feel free but not obliged to follow me.

- Angie

[My biggest fear when writing on Wattpad (though I only have two uncompleted stories) has always been copyright. I write my own stories and would not mind you translating it or being inspired by it in writing your fanfictions, all as long as you give me due credit. I cannot say for certain this is a unique idea which has never been written about on this site. As of November 11, 2019, when I started the first draft, I have not read any fanfiction other than After a few years ago, so no other fanfiction inspired the idea.]

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