Chapter 9

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"You killed my sons, half-goddesses!" exclaimed the nymph Thyia. The earth was shaking, making it hard for Kara to stay up, just like Lena, who nearly fell, but she was caught by the angry nymph. The giant caught the daughter of Hades firmly and Kara ran as she could at the foot of the nymph who held the beautiful raven-haired girl who breathed with difficulty.

"Thyia, wait!" screamed the daughter of Zeus. "Wait, please, do not hurt her, I beg you!"

"Because you have spared my sons?!" she exclaimed.

"You don't understand Thyia, we didn't really want to hurt them, they spent years locked up in the depths of Tartarus, they were more than angry, they wanted to destroy us and destroy Olympus!"

"So what ?!" she said as she tightened her hold around Lena and Kara managed to hear the sound of the Hades daughter's rib crashing. "It would teach their fathers to behave well with their children and to consider them."

"Thyia, I understand your anger, I'm the daughter of Zeus and today, after eighteen years I saw my father for the first time.His consideration, I can totally forget it, but I learned to live without it and to build a real family. You know, not all gods are like that, the girl you're holding has a loving father, who supports and guides her and yet she is the daughter of 'Hades."

The nymph seemed a little perplexed for a moment, Kara dropped her weapons and moved slightly closer without letting go of the giant eyes.

"You are a nymph, Thyia, you don't want war or chaos. Your sons were going to set up, you want peace and harmony with the gods and the humans. But if I'm wrong then I beg you, don't hurt Lena and take me instead. What's better than the daughter of Zeus at your service?"

Thyia reduced her size on a human scale to be at Kara's level and talk to her right in the eye.

"You speak well, daughter of Zeus, but you are also right." She let go off Lena, "I don't want war."

"Don't worry, you will not have it."

"I will send you home now." the girl of shadows said.

"No, Lena!"

Too late, the eyes of the Hades' daughter turned to black and she sent Thyia home through the shadows. Kara ran to Lena who had just fainted on the floor. Zeus's daughter took her in her arms and could not stop a few tears flowing, she pushed with her fingers the few hair that dragged in front of the closed eyes of the brunette then grabbed his face.

"Lena, I feel your heartbeat, please open your eyes!"

Hades' daughter began to flutter and revealed her beautiful emerald eyes to Kara who smiled with relief and at the same time was furious.

"You're really stupid to use the shadows, it could have killed you!"

"But it didn't, and I'm here in your arms, that's the only thing I wanted in the world."

"Lena, I think that ..."

"Shut up." she cut her "Don't you see that I'm trying to finish our discussion before Thyia arrives and so to confess that ..."

"No you shut up!" Kara cut in. "You have nothing to confess, you've already shown me enough and proved what you felt and you know what? I feel the same!"

The two half-goddesses stared at each other for a moment, then laughed at the scene that had just unfolded. Kara hesitated a few seconds then grabbed Lena's face with her second hand and slowly and dangerously approached Lena's lips, who passed her arms over the shoulders of the daughter of Zeus to bring her closer. That's it, they kissed, finally, after all this time of waiting and all the fire that burned inside Kara was revealed in all her body. She felt Lena smile during their kiss which made it even more magical than it already was.

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