Chapter 6

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Kara looked at her sister and the colony for one last time and then followed Lena determined. The half-goddess was ready to prove to Hades' daughter that she had done well to leave together, she would not disappoint her.

"My father should be here soon." Lena announced.

"Your father, why would he come?" asked the blonde.

"He told me that he would come to show us the way to go, let's go to Athena's Hill, come on."

Kara accelerated her walk to reach the top of the hill, which was the home of a statue of Athena that was easily twice the size of the half-blood. Lena caught Kara smiling.

"You are fast, as fast as a lightning." She laughed.

"It was a really bad pun." she replied, stifling her laughter.

"So why are you laughing?" She said jokingly.

"No, no, I'm not laughing," Kara replied, letting out a laugh.

The two half-bloods barely had time to burst out laughing at this dubious word game that a pit was created on the ground and that a tall man with raven-curly hair, a white shirt open to half and black jeans with holes in the knees, appeared. Lena smiled at her father, the God of Hell opened his arms and his daughter came to give him a hug. This little moment of tenderness slightly astonished Kara who did not imagine this god so loving and tender with his children.

"Dad, let me introduce you to Kara Danvers, I'm going on this quest with her." Lena says presenting her.

Hades looked at the blonde, then went on.

"Well, I'll guide you through the shadows, so as soon as you get lost or have a doubt, just look at the path I've drawn." Announced the God of Hell.

"Thank you very much," Lena replied.

"Anyway, I have to go back, be careful daughter, the ones you're going to face are as powerful as you are."

The daughter of Hades drew back after receiving a kiss on her forehead and her father fainted in a shadow similar to the one Lena left when she was traveling through the shadows. Kara moved closer to her and saw her beautiful green eyes turn black and then a few seconds later they became green again. She showed the direction to follow and the two half-bloods started their way. Kara cleared her throat and her curiosity prevailed over her.

"I didn't know you were close to your father."

"Yes, I'm lucky, but I can not see him often, he has obligations and then your father-I mean Zeus has forbidden contacts between god and their offspring."

"What ?! He really did that ?!" exclaimed Kara.

"I can only see my dad in Hell, but I don't have a lot of opportunity to go because his wife doesn't like me and on Earth, Zeus would hit me on the spot" Lena said raising an eyebrow.

"Yet he didn't do it there."

"Only because you were there ..." smiled the embarrassed demi-goddess.


Kara just realized what her presence had allowed at the moment, Lena had just won a few minutes with her father that she might could never have again. Without knowing what to say to reassure her comrade, Kara retorted.

"You know I've never seen Zeus, I don't even know what he looks like."

"Didn't your mother ever tell you?" asked the brunette.

"No, no ... my mother died during my birth."

"I'm sorry, Kara, I didn't know." Lena said, staring at her feet.

"Don't worry, I didn't know her, Eliza Danvers, she's my real mother."

"I knew mine for a few years before being adopted by Luthor." Lena admitted.

"What happened to her?"

"Killed, mostly by one of the creatures we're going to face."

"The eight Olympus' shame?" said Kara reciting the prophecy.

"The eight sons of each male god of Olympus from the same mother, a nymph."

"Eight cyclops so, eight sons with powers."

"I don't know which one kill my mother, but on Hades' beard at the end of our quest they will all be dead."

Lena's spirit of revenge had contaminated Kara who promised her partner that she would help her and that her mother's memory would be avenged.

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