Chapter 8

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Zeus and Hades had just appeared in front of the cyclops, Kara's blood had only one turn, she jumped into the rift to catch Lena who was still falling. Thanks to her powers, she controlled the air around her to accelerate her fall. She reached the level of Hades' daughter who was reaching out to her, Kara grabbed Lena, hugged her tightly and stopped their fall. They were in each other's arms, floating in the air, Lena was still shaking with fear and Kara could not stop her worried breathing.

"Don't worry, I'm here, I'm not going anywhere, I've caught you Lena, you're fine." she reassured her. The daughter of Hades drew back slightly and gazed into Kara's.

"Are you gonna bring us back up there? We have cyclops to kill." she said with her sly smirk and raised eyebrow.

Kara laughed and nodded as quickly as possible to the surface where Zeus and Hades had just eliminated the son of Poseidon and Ares. There remained only Magnus and the son of Hades, Kara sided with her father and Lena did the same. A furious fight ensued, Zeus and his daughter managed to control and kill easily Magnus, Hades and his daughter had a little more trouble and the god of Hell did not resolve to kill his son, so he simply pushed him into the rift and closed it with a wave of the hand. The two half-goddesses looked at their fathers with slight anger.

"It was really a stupid bet to have kids with the same nymph!" exclaimed Lena.

"Indeed, it was anything but intelligent." Kara continued.

The two did not even try to explain themselves, after all they were gods, they could do what they wanted.

"We have to go." Zeus announced.

"Oh really, are you really planning to leave when it's the first time I see you?" says Kara pissed off

"Kara, I have obligations up there." Zeus replied.

"Anyway, you don't have enough obligations to not create killer cyclops, without us and without your obligations, you would have had a horde of cyclops attacking Olympus."

"You do not understand, Kara," said the god of the gods calmly.

"Completely, I don't understand, but you will come to explain me when you will have abolished the law on the non-contact between gods and their children."

Zeus raised an eyebrow, astonished at the repartee of his daughter, Hades and Lena choked a laugh, Zeus almighty was being bawled by his daughter-goddess, what a humiliating moment. Hades said goodbye to his daughter while congratulating her and Zeus stared at Kara not knowing what to say.

"You fought well." he said, fleeing his daughter's gaze, "You really look like your mother." he whispered.

Kara could not help but smile, and the two gods left, leaving the half-bloods alone. They drew near each other and supported each other by the waist and shoulders. They started to make their way home but arrived on the coast of the island, Lena proposed to make them travel through the shadows to get home faster.

"Do you want to kill yourself Lena?! You are exhausted and hurt, if you use the shadows, you will not survive!"

"It does not matter to me, as long as I bring you back alive that's all that matters." Lena answered.

"Why do you still want to sacrifice yourself like that for nothing?"

"I'm sacrificing only for you."

Kara stopped and looked at Lena in her beautiful green eyes, not knowing what to say. They smiled and then suddenly, a giant woman came out of the water shouting that they had killed her sons, the half goddesses had just time to go out their weapons against the nymph cyclops carrier, Thyia.

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