Chapter 4

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Kara wanted to say something but Lena stopped her from speaking by putting her hand on her mouth and made them listen a little longer.

"We don't even know if the prophecy talks about Kara and Lena!" exclaimed Chiron.

"Because Thunder's child, Shadow's child is not clear enough for you?" replied the familiar voice.

"Maybe Zeus and Hades have children somewhere else."

"So why did the Oracle appear at the Colony and not elsewhere, Chiron?

"I don't know..."

"No, you know it very well. Tomorrow we'll launch the quest, you know just like me that provoking fate is not a good idea, especially for demigods. "

Kara heard the centaur's hooves slam the ground away. Lena took Kara's arm and whispered not to worry. Suddenly, the two half-goddesses found themselves in the bungalow of Zeus with around them the dark aura that Kara had seen earlier in the day.

"Oh damn, how did we land here?!" exclaimed the blonde.

"I can travel through the shadows, only at short distance, it was faster to get in like that."

Lena's look was darker, she was already starting to leave but Kara wanted to talk about what they had just heard, so she caught up with her.

"Lena, wait, don't you think we should talk about this ... prophecy?"

"There's nothing to talk about, it's out of the question for you to go on a quest, I'll go alone."

"What?! Of course you're not, you will not go alone, I will come with you!"

"No, Kara, you will not come, the quests are too dangerous, you could died!"

"So? You could die too, just because you're Hades' daughter doesn't mean that you're immortal!"

"It's not because you're Zeus' daughter that you have to give me orders and that I have to follow you like a little dog!"

Kara stepped back, Lena had touched her sensitive part, her father ... Feeling tears rise, the blonde begged the daughter of Hades to go out. Lena read the pain in Kara's eyes and wanted to apologize but she didn't have the time to say anything that Zeus's daughter told her to go out immediately. When the brunette went out, Kara burst into tears, she resigned herself to go to bed to let pass this small crisis of tears that often took her as soon as one evoked her father. For once, Kara dreamed of nothing, but she was awakened by Alex who was shaking her.

"Come on, Kara, wake up!"

"Why? What's going on?" asked the half-blood, rubbing her eyes.

"There is a meeting of the bungalow chiefs, the Oracle spoke, a quest must be made to fulfill the prophecy."

Kara jumped up, she knew she did not dream, a prophecy was talking about her and ... Lena. The demi-goddess dressed herself quickly and joined the council with her sister, Chiron and the other bungalow chiefs, Lena, Sam and others she didn't know yet. Chiron was the first to speak.

"Well, let's get started ..."

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